İİBF, UİTB, Makale Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Terrorism - workers’ remittances nexus: empirical evidence from Turkey
    (Centre for European Studies - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Aralık 2020) Ari, Yılmaz Onur; Bello, Ibrahim
    The paper examines the impacts of remittances on terrorism for Turkish economy by using annual time series data covering the period of 1990-2019. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) was used in the application of econometric method. To ensure robustness of results, the study accounts for structural breaks in the unit root test and the co-integration analysis. The results obtained indicated that remittances flows to Turkey have a positive and significant effect on terrorism. This is in line with the empirical evidence that finances through remittances can promote terrorism in a country. The study also concludes that unemployment has strong a correlation in promoting terrorism in Turkish economy and that persistent unemployment can cause economic inequality, poverty, social dislocation, unrest, and conflict such as terrorism, which has a negative impact on subsequent long-run economic growth. Besides, trade openness shows a negative but significant effect, which indicates that trade openness has a little influence in promoting terrorism.
  • Öğe
    A Comparison of Romanian Economy’s Macro Indicators with Other Countries That Have the Same Credit Score
    (Mayıs 2020) Ari, Yılmaz Onur
    Credit Rating Agencies have become active promoter of neo-liberal policies since 1980s, and a strong credit rating plays an important role in determining the cost of borrowing. Although the transparency of credit rating agencies is discussed, the credit ratings given by these institutions shed light on the economies of the countries. These credit scores can be affected not only from economic factors, but also social and politic factors of a country. Romania has been given a credit score since 1996. According to 2018 ratings, Romania has been placed in lower medium grade countries category. This paper compares the macroeconomic indicators of countries in the lower medium grade category with Romania. This study also aims to determine whether the credit rating agencies consider the economic factors of a country objectively or act politically when they give a credit score. The results showed that Romania had a good performance at Total Debt/GDP ratio and relatively at interest rate, unemployment rate and real GDP growth rate, while it showed a bad performance at budget balance and inflation rate. According to the results, Romania had not the best or worst macroeconomic indicators in its category so it could be interpreted as credit rating agencies acted objectively by assessing Romania’s macroeconomic indicators and placed a deserved investible category
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’nin yaş sebze ve meyve ihracatını etkileyen faktörler: Bir çekim modeli analizi
    (2020) ARİ, Yılmaz Onur ; Sayar, Ramazan
    Bu makale, çekim modelini kullanarak Türkiye'den yapılan taze meyve ve sebze ihracatının etkilendiği faktörleri incelemektedir. Türkiye'den en fazla taze meyve ve sebze ithal eden 10 ülke için (2007-2018) dönemini kapsayan yıllık zaman serisi verileri kullanılmıştır. Model tahmininde, klasik tahminciler yerine GMM EGLS tahmincisi kullanılmıştır. Ampirik sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, ithalatçı ülkelerin GSYİH’si Türkiye'nin meyve ve sebze ihracatını olumlu etkilerken, meyve ve sebzelerin dayanıklılığından kaynaklanan ulaşım koşullarındaki zorluklar nedeniyle Türkiye ile bu ülkeler arasındaki mesafeden olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Çalışmada aynı zamanda AB'ye üye bir devlet olmanın meyve ve sebze ihracatını olumsuz etkilediği, ithalatçı ülkenin toplam nüfusu içinde Müslüman nüfusun % 4’ten-fazla olmasının ise meyve ve sebze ihracatını olumlu etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu sonuç helal gıda anlayışının dünyada arttığının bir göstergesi olabilir. Ayrıca, AB ülkelerindeki yüksek rekabet nedeniyle, Türkiye’nin bu ülkelere olan ihracatının da olumsuz etkilendiği sonucuna varılmıştır.