Öztürk, BilgeOkumuş, Seda2024-10-042024-10-0420222148-225Xhttps://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/523705http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12403/4346This study aimed to evaluate prospective elementary school teachers’ skills in creating\rwritten and oral arguments about the ecology. The case study method, one of the qualitative\rresearch approaches, was used. The study group consisted of 38 prospective elementary\rschool teachers studying in the third year of an elementary teaching undergraduate program.\rAs data collection tools, an expressions table containing ecology topics was designed by the\rresearchers to evaluate the written argument creation skills of the participants and audio\rrecordings of discussions were used to determine their oral argument creation skills.\rDescriptive analysis was used to analyze the data obtained in these ways. According to the\rfindings of this research, the written and oral arguments of these prospective elementary\rschool teachers were concentrated at a moderate level, but their oral arguments were at a\rhigher level than their written arguments. It can be concluded that oral classroom discussions\rare more effective than written activities in creating arguments about the ecology.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEVALUATING PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ WRITTEN AND ORAL ARGUMENTS ON ECOLOGYArticle91343360523705