Uzundumlu, Ahmet SemihBirinci, AvniKurtoğlu, Seval2024-10-042024-10-0420182148-127X primary purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing consumerpreferences for UHT milk consumption in Erzurum province. The primary data used inthis research was derived from Palandoken, Yakutiye and Aziziye districts of Erzurumprovince in 2010. The factor analysis was used to find out the factors affecting consumerpreferences for UHT milk and to reduce these factors. As for the segmentation ofconsumers and bringing out the profile of each segment, cluster analysis was used.According to the results, 95.00% of households consumed UHT milk. 18 factors that areaffecting the consumption of UHT milk were reduced to five main factors with factoranalysis. The factor scores which determined with factor analysis were divided into threeclusters by cluster analysis. UHT milk for consumers entering the first cluster has becauseof homogenous and packaging as well as intrinsic and extrinsic properties for advertisingand price advantage is preferred. UHT milk for consumers entering the second cluster hasease of preparation and transportation, and confidential properties are preferred byreason. On the contrary, consumers entering the third cluster prefer to UHT milk for agood diet product.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZiraat MühendisliğiGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiAnalysis of Factors Affecting Consumers in UHT Milk Consumption: The Case Study of ErzurumArticle61014851492325086