Oztekin, Ertekin2024-10-042024-10-0420151300-70092147-5881https://doi.org/10.5505/pajes.2015.29981http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12403/3404Design of the distance of bolts to each other and design of the distance of bolts to the edge of connection plates are made based on minimum and maximum boundary values proposed by structural codes. In this study, reliabilities of those distances were investigated. For this purpose, loading types, bolt types and plate thicknesses were taken as variable parameters. Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method was used in the reliability computations performed for all combination of those parameters. At the end of study, all reliability index values for all those distances were presented in graphics and tables. Results obtained from this study compared with the values proposed by some structural codes and finally some evaluations were made about those comparisons. Finally, It was emphasized in the end of study that, it would be incorrect of the usage of the same bolt distances in the both traditional designs and the higher reliability level designs.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessReliability analysisBolted connectionsBolt distancesBolt placementMonte Carlo simulationINVESTIGATION OF RELIABILITIES OF BOLT DISTANCES FOR BOLTED STRUCTURAL STEEL CONNECTIONS BY MONTE CARLO SIMULATION METHODArticle21621322310.5505/pajes.2015.29981WOS:000443157200002N/A