Kamiloğlu, Hakan AlperŞadoğlu, ErolYılmaz, Mehmet Fatih2024-10-042024-10-0420191307-90852149-4584https://doi.org/10.18185/erzifbed.649503https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/385834http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12403/4565Lateral earth pressure distribution is crucial in retaining structure design. In most studies, active earth pressuredistribution acting on the retaining structure is supposed as nonlinear. Despite there are many studies aboutearth pressure distribution, there are limited number of studies considering effect of wall geometry on lateralearth pressure distribution. In this study, it is aimed to examine effect of wall geometry on active failure surfacesand lateral earth pressure distribution. Thus, active failure surface and active lateral earth pressure distributionof various types of retaining wall were examined numerically. Within scope of the analysis a gravity retainingwall with various inclinations, inverted T type cantilever retaining wall and gravity wall with various heellengths were considered. The effect of wall inclination and heel length on failure mechanism and lateral earthpressure distribution was studied. As a result of the study it is shown that lateral earth pressure distributionvaries based on wall type. Additionally, short heel and long heel cases are effective on earth pressuredistribution.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNumerical Analysis of Active Earth Pressures on Various Types of Retaining WallsArticle1231666167710.18185/erzifbed.649503385834