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Her toplum, varlığını devam ettirmek için kendine uygun öğretim programları hazırlar ve uygulamaya koyar. Bir devletin varlığı ve devamlılığı eğitim politikalarıyla doğrudan bağlantılıdır. Bu eğitim politikalarında amaç; birlik ve beraberliği sağlamaktır. Bireylere millî bilinç veya millî şuurun kazandırılması, bireylerin çok boyutlu düşünebilmesi, kendilerini ifade edebilmesi, kısaca varlığını ortaya koyabilmesi programlarındaki içerik önem arz etmektedir. Bireylere dil ve kültürün öğretilmesi, bu bilincin yerleştirilmesi, dil ve dili oluşturan sözlü ve yazılı edebî ürünlerin verilebilmesi, bunların özümsenmesine bağlıdır. Türk millî eğitiminin genel amaçları doğrultusunda, Türkçenin inceliklerinin, güzelliklerinin kavratılması, bireylerin sosyal ve kültürel açıdan doyurulmasında öğrencilerin; 1739 Sayılı Millî Eğitim Temel Kanunu, 2. Maddesi'nde belirtilen; "Türk millî eğitiminin genel amacı Türk milletinin bütün fertlerini; Atatürk inkılâp ve ilkelerine ve Anayasa'da ifadesini bulan Atatürk millîyetçiliğine bağlı, Türk milletinin millî, ahlakî, insanî, manevî ve kültürel değerlerini benimseyen, koruyan ve geliştiren; ailesini, vatanını, milletini seven ve daima yüceltmeye çalışan; insan haklarına ve Anayasa'nın başlangıcındaki temel ilkelere dayanan demokratik, laik ve sosyal bir hukuk devleti olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne karşı görev ve sorumluluklarını bilen ve bunları davranış haline getirmiş yurttaşlar olarak yetiştirmek..." ilkesi paralelinde öğretim programlarının amacına uygun olarak sosyal ve kültürel değerlerin bireyler tarafından özümsenmesinde Türk toplumunda önemli eğitim-öğretim araçlarından birisi olma vasfına haiz, milletimizin önemli kültürel öğelerinden olan atasözleri ve deyimler; dil öğretimi, kültür edinimi ve aktarımında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Atasözleri ve deyimler; anlatımı etkili kılma, söyleneni açıkça, kolay, anlaşılır bir şekilde dile getirme ve bunları yazılı olarak ifade edebilme konusunda çok önemli etkilere sahiptir. Bu anlamda Türkçenin ve Türk kültürünün zenginliğinin en önemli göstergesidir. Atasözleri ve deyimler; Türkçe öğretiminde dil öğrenme alanları; okuma, yazma ve konuşma eğitiminde, dil öğretiminde vazgeçilmez öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, literatür tarama modeli kullanılarak, Türkçe eğitimi ve öğretiminde önemli rol oynayan atasözleri ve deyimlerin kültürel değerlerin doğuşundan, yaşatılmasına ve genç nesillere aktarılmasındaki rolleri, atasözleri ve deyimlerin öğretimindeki eksiklikler üzerinde durulmuş, Türkçe öğretimindeki önemi ve işlevleri ortaya konarak, bu konuda yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sunmak hedeflenmiştir
Each society prepares education programs suitable to their needs in order to maintain its existence and implements them. The existence of a state and its continuity directly depends on educational policies. The main purpose of these education policies is to foster unity and solidarity. The individuals’ gaining national awareness or national conscience, thinking multi dimensionally, expressing themselves, in short, asserting their existence, can be actualized with only education. In this regard the content of the education programs are very important. Teaching individuals language and culture, raising awareness, teaching the written and verbal literary works which compose the language and tongue depend on their being internalised. In accordance with the general goals of Turkish national education in order to adopt the politeness and loveliness of the language and to satisfy the individuals socially and culturally the students should be educated in parallel with the Basic National Education Law numbered 1739, Article 2 of the Law which states “the main purpose of Turkish National Education is to raise all the individuals of Turkish nation as citizens who rely on Ataturk’s principles and revolution and Ataturk nationalism which is stated in the Constitution, adopt, preserve, and develop the national, moral, humanistic, spiritual, and cultural values of Turkish nation, love their family and motherland and nation and try to glorify them, know their duties and responsibilities for civil rights and Turkish Republic , a democratic, secular and social and constitutional state which rely on the basic principles stated at the beginning of the Constitution and also behave accordingly ”. Therefore, proverbs and idioms, one of the important education-instruction tools in Turkish society which enable the social and cultural values to be adopted by the individuals and important cultural components of our nation, play an important role in language teaching, culture acquisition and transfer as it is appropriate to the goals of education programs. Proverbs and idioms have important effects in terms of making the narration effective, expressing what is said clearly, easily, understandably and express them in writing. In this regard they are the most important indicators of richness of Turkish and Turkish culture. Proverbs and idioms are indispensable for language learning skills which are reading, writing and speaking in Turkish education. Literature search model is used in this study and the aim of the study is to examine the importance of the proverbs, which play an important role in Turkish education and instruction, on the birth of the cultural values, their existence and transfer to the young generation. Moreover, the study focuses on the deficiencies in teaching proverbs and idioms and it aims at making contributions to the studies which are going to be conducted by presenting the importance and functions of proverbs and idioms in Turkish teaching
Each society prepares education programs suitable to their needs in order to maintain its existence and implements them. The existence of a state and its continuity directly depends on educational policies. The main purpose of these education policies is to foster unity and solidarity. The individuals’ gaining national awareness or national conscience, thinking multi dimensionally, expressing themselves, in short, asserting their existence, can be actualized with only education. In this regard the content of the education programs are very important. Teaching individuals language and culture, raising awareness, teaching the written and verbal literary works which compose the language and tongue depend on their being internalised. In accordance with the general goals of Turkish national education in order to adopt the politeness and loveliness of the language and to satisfy the individuals socially and culturally the students should be educated in parallel with the Basic National Education Law numbered 1739, Article 2 of the Law which states “the main purpose of Turkish National Education is to raise all the individuals of Turkish nation as citizens who rely on Ataturk’s principles and revolution and Ataturk nationalism which is stated in the Constitution, adopt, preserve, and develop the national, moral, humanistic, spiritual, and cultural values of Turkish nation, love their family and motherland and nation and try to glorify them, know their duties and responsibilities for civil rights and Turkish Republic , a democratic, secular and social and constitutional state which rely on the basic principles stated at the beginning of the Constitution and also behave accordingly ”. Therefore, proverbs and idioms, one of the important education-instruction tools in Turkish society which enable the social and cultural values to be adopted by the individuals and important cultural components of our nation, play an important role in language teaching, culture acquisition and transfer as it is appropriate to the goals of education programs. Proverbs and idioms have important effects in terms of making the narration effective, expressing what is said clearly, easily, understandably and express them in writing. In this regard they are the most important indicators of richness of Turkish and Turkish culture. Proverbs and idioms are indispensable for language learning skills which are reading, writing and speaking in Turkish education. Literature search model is used in this study and the aim of the study is to examine the importance of the proverbs, which play an important role in Turkish education and instruction, on the birth of the cultural values, their existence and transfer to the young generation. Moreover, the study focuses on the deficiencies in teaching proverbs and idioms and it aims at making contributions to the studies which are going to be conducted by presenting the importance and functions of proverbs and idioms in Turkish teaching
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri