Hasan Paşa Niksârî (ö. 827/1424)'nin Şerhu Merâhi'l-Ervâh adlı eserinin 1-37. varaklar arasının edisyon kritiği
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Bu çalışmamızda Hasan Paşa Alaaddin Ali b. el-Esved b. Ömer en-Niksari (827-1453)'nin Şerhu'l Merah'ın 1-37 Varaklar arası edisyon kritiği ele alınmıştır. Hasan Paşa, devrinin siyasi ve kültürel sahasinda söz sahibi olan biridir. Hasan Paşa'nın yaşadığı dönem siyasi, ilmi, kültürel alanlarda ileri seviyede olup pek çok alim içerisinde barındırır. Kur'an dilinin arapça olması birçok müslümanın ilgisini çekmiş olup sarf, nahiv gibi ilimlerin artmasına sebep olmuştur. Hasan Paşa daha çok sarf ve nahiv ilmiyle meşgul olmuş Arap Diline faydalı olan birçok şerh yapmış alimdir. Şerh çalışmaları ile dilin öğretilmesine ve öğrenilmesinde önemli faydası olmuştur. Sarf alanında yazılmış olan Merahu'l Ervah isimli bu önemli esere birçok şerh ve haşiyeler yazılmış olup insanlara farklı açılardan tanıtılmıştır. Merahu'l Ervah'ın bir başka şerhi de Osmanlı döneminde yaşamış olup ilim tahsilini İznik'te alan Hasan Paşa' nın nestalik yazı türüyle yazdığı Şerhu'l Merahi'l Ervahtır. Medrese eğitiminde önem görmüş olan eseri Hasan Paşa ve daha birçok alim şerh ve haşiye etmiştir. Sarf illet babları içinde barındıran arapça ilmi açısından ehemmiyetli bir eserdir. Hasan Paşa diye tanınan müellifimiz siyasi, ilmi ve kültürel alanlarda ehemmiyetli bir dönemde dünyaya gelmiş olup doğum tarihi ile ilgili kesin bilgilere ulaşılamamakla birlikte islami kaynaklarda 750 (1349) yılı civarında doğduğu tahmin edilir. Müellifimizin babası Osmanlı padişahlarından Orhan Bey zamanının ünlü alimlerinden olan Kara Hocadır. Kara Hoca İran'da tahsil görmüş ve geniş felsefe bilgisi ile de filozof olarak anılmıştır. Hasan Paşa İlk eğitimini babasından almış olup ilerleyen zamanlarda ilmine İznik'te devam etmiş olan bir alimdir. Hasan paşa'nın babası Kara Hoca lakaplı Mevlana Alaaddin Esved'tir. Türk geleneklerine göre büyük çocuğa paşa denildiği için Hasan Paşa'ya da Paşa lakabı buradan gelmiştir.Kaynaklara göre Hasan Paşa önemli devlet mevkilerinde görevi olan bir şahsiyet olup kabri Bursa Deveciler Mezarlığı karşısındaki mezarlıkta bulunmaktadır. Hasan paşa'nın şerhini yapmış olduğu Merâhu'l-ervâh adlı eseri birçok medrese tarafından ders kitabı olarak okutulmuş, ezberletilmiş olan önemli bir eserdir. Her alim gibi Hasan Paşa'da faydalı olacağına inandığı tarzda bir eser kaleme almıştır. Hasan Paşa, bu eseri kaleme alırken Kur'an'ı Kerim'den ve yazıldığı dönemin sanatına uygun örnekler vermeyi ihmal etmeyip sade, akıcı bir dil kullanmıştır. Hasan Paşa bu şerhi yazmadaki amacını kapalı lafızları açıp anlamlı hale getirmek ve birçok faydalı bilgi eklemek olarak belirtmiştir. Kendinden önceki birkaç alimin görüşünü vermeyi ihmal etmeyip gerektiğinde naklettiği bu görüşleri Basra ve Kufe gibi dil unsurları ile sağlam temellere dayandırarak eleştirmeyi ihmal etmemiştir. Hasan Paşa yapmış olduğu bu şerh ile Arap dilinin öğrenilmesi yönünde faydalı bir çalışma ortaya çıkarmıştır. Yukarıda da belirtilen sebeplere dayanarak çalışmamızın amacı asırlar boyu okutulan, üzerine şerhler yazılan Merâhu'l-ervâh adlı eserin Hasan Paşa tarafından yazılmış olan şerhi 'Şerhu Merâhu'l Ervâh'' adlı eserini tahkik ederek her yönüyle sizlere sunmaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hasan Paşa b. Niksari, Şerhu Merâhu'l Ervâh, sarf, arapça.
In this study, Hasan Pasha Alaaddin Ali b. al-Aswad b. Ömer en-Niksari's (827-1453) criticism of the edition of Şerhu'l Merah, pages 1-37, is discussed. Hasan Pasha was someone who had a say in the political and cultural fields of his time. The period in which Hasan Pasha lived was advanced in political, scientific and cultural fields and included many scholars. The fact that the language of the Quran is Arabic attracted the attention of many Muslims and caused the increase in sciences such as grammar and syntax. Hasan Pasha is a scholar who was mostly occupied with the science of grammar and syntax and made many useful commentaries on the Arabic Language. He has made significant contributions to teaching and learning the language through his commentary studies. Many commentaries and annotations have been written on this important work called Merahu'l Ervah, written in the field of consumables, and it has been introduced to people from different perspectives. Another commentary of Merahu'l Ervah is Şerhu'l Merahi'l Ervah, written in nestalik script by Hasan Pasha, who lived in the Ottoman period and received his education in Iznik. Hasan Pasha and many other scholars commented and annotated the work, which was important in madrasah education. It is an important work in terms of Arabic science, which includes the articles of consumables and diseases. Our author, known as Hasan Pasha, was born in an important period in political, scientific and cultural fields, and although exact information about his date of birth is not available, it is estimated in Islamic sources that he was born around the year 750 (1349). Our author's father is Orhan Bey, one of the Ottoman sultans, and Kara Hodja, one of the famous scholars of his time. Kara Hodja was educated in Iran and was known as a philosopher with his extensive knowledge of philosophy. Hasan Pasha is a scholar who received his primary education from his father and later continued his knowledge in Iznik. Hasan Pasha's father is Mevlana Alaaddin Esved, nicknamed Kara Hodja. According to Turkish traditions, the eldest child was called pasha, hence the nickname Pasha for Hasan Pasha. According to sources, Hasan Pasha was a person who held important state positions and his grave is located in the cemetery opposite Bursa Deveciler Cemetery. Hasan Pasha's work named Merâhu'l-ervâh, which he commented on, is an important work that has been taught as a textbook and memorized in many madrasahs. Like every scholar, Hasan Pasha wrote a work that he believed would be useful. While writing this work, Hasan Pasha did not neglect to give examples from the Holy Quran and the art of the period in which it was written, and used a simple, fluent language. Hasan Pasha stated that his purpose in writing this comment was to open the closed words and make them meaningful and to add a lot of useful information. He did not neglect to give the views of a few scholars before him, and when necessary, he did not neglect to criticize these views, basing them on solid foundations with linguistic elements such as Basra and Kufa. With this commentary, Hasan Pasha created a useful study for learning the Arabic language. Based on the reasons stated above, the aim of our study is to analyze the work called 'Şerhu Merâhu'l Ervâh'', written by Hasan Pasha, of the work called Merâhu'l-ervâh, which has been studied and commented on for centuries, and to present it to you in every aspect. Keywords: Hasan Paşa b. Niksari, El Mifrah Fi Şerhu Merâhi'l Ervâh, morphology, arabic.
In this study, Hasan Pasha Alaaddin Ali b. al-Aswad b. Ömer en-Niksari's (827-1453) criticism of the edition of Şerhu'l Merah, pages 1-37, is discussed. Hasan Pasha was someone who had a say in the political and cultural fields of his time. The period in which Hasan Pasha lived was advanced in political, scientific and cultural fields and included many scholars. The fact that the language of the Quran is Arabic attracted the attention of many Muslims and caused the increase in sciences such as grammar and syntax. Hasan Pasha is a scholar who was mostly occupied with the science of grammar and syntax and made many useful commentaries on the Arabic Language. He has made significant contributions to teaching and learning the language through his commentary studies. Many commentaries and annotations have been written on this important work called Merahu'l Ervah, written in the field of consumables, and it has been introduced to people from different perspectives. Another commentary of Merahu'l Ervah is Şerhu'l Merahi'l Ervah, written in nestalik script by Hasan Pasha, who lived in the Ottoman period and received his education in Iznik. Hasan Pasha and many other scholars commented and annotated the work, which was important in madrasah education. It is an important work in terms of Arabic science, which includes the articles of consumables and diseases. Our author, known as Hasan Pasha, was born in an important period in political, scientific and cultural fields, and although exact information about his date of birth is not available, it is estimated in Islamic sources that he was born around the year 750 (1349). Our author's father is Orhan Bey, one of the Ottoman sultans, and Kara Hodja, one of the famous scholars of his time. Kara Hodja was educated in Iran and was known as a philosopher with his extensive knowledge of philosophy. Hasan Pasha is a scholar who received his primary education from his father and later continued his knowledge in Iznik. Hasan Pasha's father is Mevlana Alaaddin Esved, nicknamed Kara Hodja. According to Turkish traditions, the eldest child was called pasha, hence the nickname Pasha for Hasan Pasha. According to sources, Hasan Pasha was a person who held important state positions and his grave is located in the cemetery opposite Bursa Deveciler Cemetery. Hasan Pasha's work named Merâhu'l-ervâh, which he commented on, is an important work that has been taught as a textbook and memorized in many madrasahs. Like every scholar, Hasan Pasha wrote a work that he believed would be useful. While writing this work, Hasan Pasha did not neglect to give examples from the Holy Quran and the art of the period in which it was written, and used a simple, fluent language. Hasan Pasha stated that his purpose in writing this comment was to open the closed words and make them meaningful and to add a lot of useful information. He did not neglect to give the views of a few scholars before him, and when necessary, he did not neglect to criticize these views, basing them on solid foundations with linguistic elements such as Basra and Kufa. With this commentary, Hasan Pasha created a useful study for learning the Arabic language. Based on the reasons stated above, the aim of our study is to analyze the work called 'Şerhu Merâhu'l Ervâh'', written by Hasan Pasha, of the work called Merâhu'l-ervâh, which has been studied and commented on for centuries, and to present it to you in every aspect. Keywords: Hasan Paşa b. Niksari, El Mifrah Fi Şerhu Merâhi'l Ervâh, morphology, arabic.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion