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Hiç şüphesiz ki hadis ilminin ortaya çıkışı, varoluş nedeni ve amacı, öncelikle rivayetlerin sıhhatini ve Hz.Peygamber'e aidiyetini tespit edebilmektir. Bu amaçla Muhaddisler tarafından sened ve metinle ilgili bir takım kriterler belirlenmiş; tabiî olarak ravî araştırmasına yani isnad tenkidine öncelik verilmiştir. H.V. asırdan itibaren ise uydurma olduğuna hükmedilen rivayetler belirli eserlerde toplanmış ve mevzûât literatürü oluşmuştur. Son zamanlarda, uydurma hadislerin tespitinde hangi kriterlerin öncelendiği ve uygulandığı tartışma konusu olmuştur.Bu araştırma, mevzû' hadisleri toplayan ilk eserlerden biri kabul edilen İbnü'lKayserânî el-Makdisî'nin "Tezkiratu'l-Mevzû'ât"ı özelinde, onun uydurma rivayetleri tespitte ricâl tenkit metodunu tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İbn Hıbbân'ın "Kitâbu'lMecrûhîn"de tenkit edilen hadisleri ihtiva eden eser, ricâl tenkidi açısından incelenmiştir. Özellikle Makdisî'nin ricâl bilgisi, kullandığı cerh lafızları ve delâletleri, ricâl tenkit kaynakları, rivayetin Hz.Peygamber'e aidiyetini tespitte uyguladığı isnad tenkidi ele alınmıştır
Undoubtedly, the emergence, the reason and purpose of the hadith is to identify whether narratives were properly linked to the prophet. Muhaddith scholars have identified a set of criteria regarding text and linkage for separating authentic hadiths from the weak or fabricated ones; naturally they have given priority the isnad criticism. Since the 5thcentury of hijra, the narratives which were identified as being fabricated were gathered and hence the regulation literature was formed. In recent days, the issue about which criteria should be prioritized in order to confirm the adequacy of historical process by taking hadith to prophet has been debated. This research aims to identify the isnad criticism method of Muhammad b. Tahir alMaqdisi who is famous as Ibn al Kaysarani in his work named "Tadkirat Al-Mawduat” which is among the earliest mawdu’ (fabricated) hadith books that reached us. The work, which was included in Ibn Hibban’s Kitab al-Majruhin, is examined in terms of isnad. Especially Maqdisi’s criticism criteria and method regarding criticism of narrators, jarh expressions and implications, his sources of isnad criticism, authenticity of the text are discussed
Undoubtedly, the emergence, the reason and purpose of the hadith is to identify whether narratives were properly linked to the prophet. Muhaddith scholars have identified a set of criteria regarding text and linkage for separating authentic hadiths from the weak or fabricated ones; naturally they have given priority the isnad criticism. Since the 5thcentury of hijra, the narratives which were identified as being fabricated were gathered and hence the regulation literature was formed. In recent days, the issue about which criteria should be prioritized in order to confirm the adequacy of historical process by taking hadith to prophet has been debated. This research aims to identify the isnad criticism method of Muhammad b. Tahir alMaqdisi who is famous as Ibn al Kaysarani in his work named "Tadkirat Al-Mawduat” which is among the earliest mawdu’ (fabricated) hadith books that reached us. The work, which was included in Ibn Hibban’s Kitab al-Majruhin, is examined in terms of isnad. Especially Maqdisi’s criticism criteria and method regarding criticism of narrators, jarh expressions and implications, his sources of isnad criticism, authenticity of the text are discussed
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