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Genel olarak bireylere kendi iradeleriyle istenen davranışların kazandırılması şeklinde tanımlanan eğitim ile ekonomik ve siyâsî ilerleme veya gerileme kavramları arasında diyalektik bir ilişki söz konusudur. Başka bir deyişle eğitim, toplumların ilerlemelerinin ya da geri kalmalarının başlangıçta sebebi sonraları ise sonucudur. Bu yaklaşıma göre 18. yy.dan itibaren Osmanlı Devleti'nin şahsında İslâm medeniyetinin en önemli gerileme nedenlerinden biri olarak eğitim sisteminin bozulması, kalkınma yolundaki ilk çare olarak da eğitim sisteminin ıslahı gösterilmiştir. Küresel ölçekli çalkantıların cereyân ettiği ve İslâm medeniyetinin yenilgisini ilan ettiği bir dönemde yaşamış olan Mûsâ Cârullah böyle düşünen mütefekkirlerdendir. Cârullah'ın eğitim ile ilgili görüşlerini serdettiği eserlerinden biri de Târîhu'l-Kur'ân ve'l-Mesâhıf'tir. Makalemiz, Cârullah'ın adı geçen eserindeki eğitim üzerine görüşlerini incelemek amacını taşımaktadır
There is a dialectic relation between the concepts of the economic/political development or recession and the education which is generally described as obtaining desired behaviors to individuals by their own will. In another words, education, at the beginning is the reason of development and recession and at the end it is result of them. According to this approach, since eighteenth century, education system has been pointed as the one of the most fundamental reasons of the declining of the Ottoman Empire in private and Islamic Civilization at large; in the same time, education reforms were pointed as the primary remedy for the reconstruction. Mûsâ Cârullah was one of the thinkers who lived in this era in which the global fluctuations occured and Islamic Civilization declared its defeat. Târîhu'l-Kur'ân ve'l-Mesâhıf is one of Cârullah's books in which he explains his ideas about the education reforms. Our study aims to critically examine Carullah's opinions in his work mentioned above
There is a dialectic relation between the concepts of the economic/political development or recession and the education which is generally described as obtaining desired behaviors to individuals by their own will. In another words, education, at the beginning is the reason of development and recession and at the end it is result of them. According to this approach, since eighteenth century, education system has been pointed as the one of the most fundamental reasons of the declining of the Ottoman Empire in private and Islamic Civilization at large; in the same time, education reforms were pointed as the primary remedy for the reconstruction. Mûsâ Cârullah was one of the thinkers who lived in this era in which the global fluctuations occured and Islamic Civilization declared its defeat. Târîhu'l-Kur'ân ve'l-Mesâhıf is one of Cârullah's books in which he explains his ideas about the education reforms. Our study aims to critically examine Carullah's opinions in his work mentioned above
Anahtar Kelimeler
Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
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