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Her toplumun, her milletin kendine göre değer verdiği, önemli saydığı liderleri vardır. Bu liderler, toplumun hafızasında derin izler bırakmış, ülkesinin ve milletinin refahı ve mutluluğu için kendisinden fedakârlıklarda bulunmuş, emsali az olan şahsiyetlerdir. İngilizler için tarihi kişilik olarak Churchill, Amerikalılar için Washington, Fransızlar için Napolyon, Hintliler için Gandhi gibi şahsiyetler, milletleri için önemli liderler ve tarihi kişiliklerdir. Türk milleti ve mazlum milletler için de Atatürk'ün konumu, tarihi kişiliği çok farklıdır. Atatürk, tek yönlü bir lider değildir. Devrimleriyle yepyeni bir ulus tesis eden Atatürk, tarihi şahsiyet olmanın ötesinde vatandaş, asker, aydın gibi vasıfları bir arada bulundurmuş ender liderlerden biridir. Atatürk'ün hayatı, yalnız Türkiye'de değil, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde binlerce araştırmaya konu olmuş ve birçok yerde ders konusu olarak işlenmiştir. Atatürk'ün önem verdiği değerlerin başında dil gelmektedir. Dil, bir milletin ortak değeri ve yaşam felsefesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Bir ülkede birlik ve beraberliği sağlamanın en önemli aracı hiç şüphesiz dildir. Milleti oluşturan bireylerin ortak bir dille konuşması, millet olmanın en önemli unsurlarındandır. Millî şuurun önemli göstergesi olan dil, birey açısından mensup olunan o millete ait izler taşımasının en önemli sembolüdür. Bir milletin sosyal olarak varlığını hissettirmesi için duygu ve düşünce tarzı tarih, dil ve kültürü arasında bağ vardır. Bu noktada özellikle Atatürk, yeni bir Cumhuriyet temelinin, millî bir dil anlayışı kurmak ile gerçekleşebileceğine inandığı için eğitim dili ve resmî dil olarak Türkçenin sorunlarını öncelikli olarak çözme yoluna gitmiştir. Bunun sadeleştirilmesi/özleştirilmesine önem vermiştir. Bu amaçla kurulan Türk Dil Kurumu ile bu sorunlarının çözülmesini arzulamıştır. Bu çalışmada, Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nden günümüze kadar Türkçeye yönelik olarak yapılan özleştirme/sadeleştirme çalışmalarına Atatürk'ün bakışını özleştirilmesi/sadeleştirilmesi, bilim ve eğitim dili olması amacıyla yapılan çalışmalar ve bu çalışmaların sonucunda ortaya çıkan öz Türkçecilik, tasfiyecilik, uydurmacılık, Osmanlıcacılık, dil faşizmi gibi Türkçe dil tartışmalarına yönelik değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuş, Türkçenin güncel sorunlarına çözüm önerisi sunulması hedeflenmiştir.
Every society and nation has leaders who they value and respect. These leaders were engraved on the community's memory and they are unique people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their country's and nation's welfare and happiness. Churchill for England, Washington for the USA, Napoleon for France, Gandhi for India are considered as important leaders for their nation and historical personage. Ataturk's position and historical personage are very different for Turkish nation and oppressed nations. Ataturk is not a one dimensional leader. Ataturk, with his revolutions, founded a new nation and beyond being a historical personage, he is one of the rare leaders who had many qualities such as being a citizen, soldier and an intellectual. The life of Ataturk has become a subject of thousands of research not only in Turkey but also in many countries in the world and his life has been studied as a course. Language is the primary value which Ataturk placed emphasis on. Language can be defined as the common value and life philosophy of a nation. Language is undoubtedly the most important means to provide solidarity and unity in a country. A common language spoken by the individuals who constitute the nation is the most important element which makes a nation. Language, the most important indicator of national conscience, is the symbol of bearing the trace of a nation which an individual belongs to. For a nation to evoke the sense of existence socially there is a bond between the way of thinking and feelings, history, language, and culture. At this point, because Ataturk especially believed that the foundations of the new Republic would be actualized by establishing an understanding of national language, he initially preferred to solve the problems of Turkish, an educational and official language. For that purpose, he actualized Language Reform, and he placed emphasis on simplification /nativisation of Turkish. Turkish Language Association was founded for that purpose and Ataturk wanted these problems to be solved. This study aimed at exploring the nativisation/ simplification studies carried out for Turkish from Republic period to today by means of presenting Ataturk's point of view and evaluations were made about the studies which were carried out for the purpose of nativisation/ simplification of Turkish and its becoming a language of science and education and discussions on Turkish language such as liquidationism, fabrication, Ottoman Turkish, language fascism, pure Turkish (Turkish made up largely of words that are etymologically Turkish), and it also aimed at solutions were suggested on current problems of Turkish.
Every society and nation has leaders who they value and respect. These leaders were engraved on the community's memory and they are unique people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their country's and nation's welfare and happiness. Churchill for England, Washington for the USA, Napoleon for France, Gandhi for India are considered as important leaders for their nation and historical personage. Ataturk's position and historical personage are very different for Turkish nation and oppressed nations. Ataturk is not a one dimensional leader. Ataturk, with his revolutions, founded a new nation and beyond being a historical personage, he is one of the rare leaders who had many qualities such as being a citizen, soldier and an intellectual. The life of Ataturk has become a subject of thousands of research not only in Turkey but also in many countries in the world and his life has been studied as a course. Language is the primary value which Ataturk placed emphasis on. Language can be defined as the common value and life philosophy of a nation. Language is undoubtedly the most important means to provide solidarity and unity in a country. A common language spoken by the individuals who constitute the nation is the most important element which makes a nation. Language, the most important indicator of national conscience, is the symbol of bearing the trace of a nation which an individual belongs to. For a nation to evoke the sense of existence socially there is a bond between the way of thinking and feelings, history, language, and culture. At this point, because Ataturk especially believed that the foundations of the new Republic would be actualized by establishing an understanding of national language, he initially preferred to solve the problems of Turkish, an educational and official language. For that purpose, he actualized Language Reform, and he placed emphasis on simplification /nativisation of Turkish. Turkish Language Association was founded for that purpose and Ataturk wanted these problems to be solved. This study aimed at exploring the nativisation/ simplification studies carried out for Turkish from Republic period to today by means of presenting Ataturk's point of view and evaluations were made about the studies which were carried out for the purpose of nativisation/ simplification of Turkish and its becoming a language of science and education and discussions on Turkish language such as liquidationism, fabrication, Ottoman Turkish, language fascism, pure Turkish (Turkish made up largely of words that are etymologically Turkish), and it also aimed at solutions were suggested on current problems of Turkish.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri