Educational Attainments of Civil Engineering Students from Their İnternships

Küçük Resim


8-10 Mayıs 2017

Dergi Başlığı

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Cilt Başlığı



Erişim Hakkı



Civil engineers, who are members of one of the ancient and basic engineering branches,today have a very significant place in the development of the society as they have been in the past. Civil engineers have been taking theoretical and practical training during their 4-year undergraduate studies before becoming a member of the profession. Professional internships, which form a large part of the practice, constitute a significant part of the education and training process. Compulsory professional training is carried out for the students to be able to see the practical of the theoretical information they have received. In this way, it is aimed to see the practical usage and application areas of the knowledge acquired by students. Students have to prepare an internship report and pass the oral examination for the acceptance of their internship in the Department of Civil Engineering at Karadeniz Technical University. In this study, evaluation of the degree of knowledge acquired by students of Department of Civil Engineering at Karadeniz Technical University during the internship period is evaluated. In this evaluation, oral examination data, which was done by 28 instructors in October 2015, about internship report of 268 students were used. Following the oral examination conducted for each student, a questionnaire was applied to the instructors who conduct the oral examination to evaluate the student's performance in internship report. The results are presented in tables and graphs. It seems that the importance of the internship is not understood sufficiently by the students.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Civil engineering, internship, theoretical training, practical training


WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri


