Alternan bazlı çinko nanopartikül üretimi ve fonksiyonel etkilerinin belirlenmesi
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Yüzyılın teknolojisi niteliğine sahip ve insan yaşamı için gerekli her alanda kullanımı mevcut olan teknoloji nanoteknoloji olarak bilinmektedir. Moleküler düzeyde maddeleri inceleyen ve tasarımına imkân sağlayan bu bilim dalı yıllar geçtikçe gelişimine hız katmıştır. Nanoteknoloji fizik, mühendislik ve kimya gibi birçok alanı kapsayan bir bilim dalıdır. Bu bilim dalı sayesinde ortaya çıkan nanoyapılı malzemeler boyutlarından dolayı farklı ve yeni özellikler sergilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı özgün bir mikrobiyal polisakkarit olan alternan kullanılarak fonksiyonel özelliklere sahip çinko nanopartikülleri üretimini gerçekleştirebilmek ve sonrasında nanopartiküllerin karakterizasyonu ve antioksidan, anti bakteriyel ve antifungal etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Çinko oksit göstermiş olduğu farklı özelliklerinden dolayı sentezi yapılan ideal bir nanopartiküldür. Çinko oksit nanopartiküller toksik etki göstermemesi ve geniş alanlarda kullanmaya uygun olmasından dolayı oldukça dikkat çekmektedir. Alternan da çalışma grubumuz tarafından bir Lactobacillus suşu tarafından üretildiği gösterilmiş olan ve grubumuz tarafından sıklıkla çalışılan oldukça özgün bir polisakkarittir. Bu çalışma ile alternanın çinko nanopartikül üretiminde stabilizatör olarak değerlendirilebilme olanağı da incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda çinko oksit nanopartiküllerin üretimi sırasında alternan bazlı polisakkarit kullanılmasında herhangi bir sorun oluşturmadığı belirlenmiştir. Çinko oksit nanopartiküllere uygulanan FT-IR, DSC, XRD, TEM ve SEM ölçümlerinde nanopartikülün yüzey morfolojisinin, partikül boyutunun ve dağılımının normale uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan XRD ölçümü ile birlikte ZnO nanopartikül yapıların kristal bir halde olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nanoteknoloji, nanopartikül, çinko oksit, alternan.
The technology, which is the technology of the year and is used in every field necessary for human life, is known as nanotechnology. This branch of science, which examines substances at the molecular level and enables their designs, has accelerated its development over the years. Nanotechnology is a science that covers many fields such as physics, engineering and chemistry. Nanostructured materials that appear as a result of this discipline of study display unique and novel features because of their dimensions. These charateristics have increased the intereset in nanoparticles and have accelerated growth in the field of nanotechnology. The aim of this study is to produce zinc nanoparticles whit functional properties by using alternan, a unique microbial polysaccharide, and then to characterize the nanoparticles and determine their antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Zinc oxide is an ideal nanoparticle synthesized due to its different properties. Zinc oxide nanoparticles attract attention due to their non-tocix effects and wide application areas. Alternan is a highly unique polysaccharide that has been shown to be produced by a strain of Lactobacillus by our working group and is frequently studied by our group. İn this study, the possibility of using alternan as a stabilizer in the production of zinc nanoparticles was also investigated. The research concluded that the usage of alternan-based polysaccharide during the production of zinc oxide nanoparticles was suitable and did not casue any issues. It was determined that nanoparticles surface morphology, particle size and distribution were normal in FT-IR, DSC, XRD, TEM and SEM characterization methods applied to zinc oxide nanoparticles. Whit the XRD analysis, it was observed that the ZnO nanoparticle structures were in a crystaline state. Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanoparticle, zinc oxide, alternan.
The technology, which is the technology of the year and is used in every field necessary for human life, is known as nanotechnology. This branch of science, which examines substances at the molecular level and enables their designs, has accelerated its development over the years. Nanotechnology is a science that covers many fields such as physics, engineering and chemistry. Nanostructured materials that appear as a result of this discipline of study display unique and novel features because of their dimensions. These charateristics have increased the intereset in nanoparticles and have accelerated growth in the field of nanotechnology. The aim of this study is to produce zinc nanoparticles whit functional properties by using alternan, a unique microbial polysaccharide, and then to characterize the nanoparticles and determine their antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Zinc oxide is an ideal nanoparticle synthesized due to its different properties. Zinc oxide nanoparticles attract attention due to their non-tocix effects and wide application areas. Alternan is a highly unique polysaccharide that has been shown to be produced by a strain of Lactobacillus by our working group and is frequently studied by our group. İn this study, the possibility of using alternan as a stabilizer in the production of zinc nanoparticles was also investigated. The research concluded that the usage of alternan-based polysaccharide during the production of zinc oxide nanoparticles was suitable and did not casue any issues. It was determined that nanoparticles surface morphology, particle size and distribution were normal in FT-IR, DSC, XRD, TEM and SEM characterization methods applied to zinc oxide nanoparticles. Whit the XRD analysis, it was observed that the ZnO nanoparticle structures were in a crystaline state. Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanoparticle, zinc oxide, alternan.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering