Memleket markalarına yönelik tüketici tutumlarının marka bağımlılığı üzerindeki etkisi: Kayseri ili sucuk markalarına yönelik bir araştırma
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Bayburt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Marka, ürünler üzerinde farkındalık yarattığı gibi şehirler üzerinde de önemli farkındalık yaratan bir olgudur. Bu çalışmada da sucuk üretiminde başta gelen illerinden Kayseri'nin sucuk markalarına yönelik tüketicilerin bakış açıları, bu markalara yönelik güven, tercih edilme, tüketicilerin memleket markalarını satın alma marka bağımlılığı ve tutumunu nasıl etkilediği araştırılmak istenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılan anket formunda demografik özellikler, marka bağımlılığı ölçeği ve tüketici tutumu ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma Kayseri ilinde yaşayan 18 yaş üstü tüketiciler üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 22 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre marka bağımlılığı ölçeğine ilişkin faktörlerde katılımcıların bilişsel bağımlılığının olduğu ve duygusal bağımlılığında kısmen olduğu görülmektedir. Tüketici tutumları ölçeğine ilişkin faktörlerde ise katılımcıların Kayseri sucuk markalarından memnun kaldıkları görülmüştür. "Duygusal bağımlılık" faktörü ortalama ile en düşük; "yetenek faktörü" maddelerinin tamamında en yüksek ortalamaya sahiptir. Bu ortalamaya göre tüketiciler Kayseri sucuk markalarını güvenilir, başarılı, saygın ve lider bir marka olarak görmektedirler. Duygusal bağımlılık ve olumlu tutum faktörlerinde kararsızlık söz konusu iken, diğer faktörlerin ortalamaları 3,40'dan büyük olduğundan markalar lehinedir. Regresyon sınaması sonucu elde edilen tüm bağımsız değişkenlerin bağımlı değişkenler üzerinde etkili olduğu, yani tüketicilerin memleket markalarına yönelik tutumlarının marka bağımlılığı oluşturmada etkili olduğu sonucu çıkmıştır.
Brand is a phenomenon that creates awareness on products as well as on cities. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the consumers' perspective towards the sucuk brands of Kayseri, which is one of the leading provinces in the production of sucuk, the trust and preference of these brands, and how the consumers affect the brand dependency and attitude of buying homeland brands. Demographic characteristics, brand addiction scale and consumer attitude scale were used in the questionnaire form, which was used as data collection tool in the study. The research was conducted on consumers over the age of 18 living in the province of Kayseri. The analysis of the data obtained in the study was analyzed with the SPSS 22 package program. According to the results of the research, it is seen that the cognitive dependence of the participants in the factors related to the brand addiction scale and that it is partially in the emotional dependence. On the factors related to the scale of consumer attitudes, it was observed that the participants were satisfied with Kayseri sucuk brands. "Emotional dependence" factor is the lowest with average; It has the highest average in all of the "skill factor" items. According to this average, consumers see Kayseri sucuk brands as reliable, successful, respected and leading brands. While there is indecision in emotional dependence and positive attitude factors, the averages of other factors are higher than 3.40, so brands are in favor. It was concluded that all independent variables obtained as a result of the regression test were effective on the dependent variables, in other words, consumers' attitudes towards homeland brands were effective in creating brand dependency.
Brand is a phenomenon that creates awareness on products as well as on cities. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the consumers' perspective towards the sucuk brands of Kayseri, which is one of the leading provinces in the production of sucuk, the trust and preference of these brands, and how the consumers affect the brand dependency and attitude of buying homeland brands. Demographic characteristics, brand addiction scale and consumer attitude scale were used in the questionnaire form, which was used as data collection tool in the study. The research was conducted on consumers over the age of 18 living in the province of Kayseri. The analysis of the data obtained in the study was analyzed with the SPSS 22 package program. According to the results of the research, it is seen that the cognitive dependence of the participants in the factors related to the brand addiction scale and that it is partially in the emotional dependence. On the factors related to the scale of consumer attitudes, it was observed that the participants were satisfied with Kayseri sucuk brands. "Emotional dependence" factor is the lowest with average; It has the highest average in all of the "skill factor" items. According to this average, consumers see Kayseri sucuk brands as reliable, successful, respected and leading brands. While there is indecision in emotional dependence and positive attitude factors, the averages of other factors are higher than 3.40, so brands are in favor. It was concluded that all independent variables obtained as a result of the regression test were effective on the dependent variables, in other words, consumers' attitudes towards homeland brands were effective in creating brand dependency.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Organik Tarım İşletmeciliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İşletme, Business Administration