İlkokul 3. sınıf fen bilimleri ders kitabına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri (Bayburt İli örneği)
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Bayburt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmanın amacı; Bayburt ili örneğinde; 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılında kullanılan ilkokul 3. sınıf fen bilimleri ders kitabıyla ilgili öğretmen görüşlerini ortaya çıkarmak ve yeni ders kitaplarının hazırlanmasına katkı sağlamaktır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu; 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılında Bayburt İli Merkez İlçesi Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı 13 farklı ilkokulda görev yapan ve amaçlı örnekleme metoduyla seçilen 47 sınıf öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma betimsel tarama modeli kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bilgi toplama aracı olarak kullanılan değerlendirme anketi beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde 3 soru yer almaktadır ve bu sorular öğretmenlerin kişisel bilgilerini almaya yöneliktir. Geriye kalan dört bölüm ise toplam 50 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde ise yüzde (%) ve frekans (f) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretmenler fen bilimleri ders kitabını bilimsel içerik yönüyle başarılı bulmuşlardır. Ancak öğrenci ilgisini çekebilecek türden karikatür, bulmaca vs. ile zenginleştirilmesinin gerektiğini ayrıca ödev ve araştırmalar ile geriye dönük yoklama sorularına daha sıklıkla yer verilmesi gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. Öğretim yaklaşımı ile ilgili öğretmenlerin %64'ünün, ünite ve konuların anlamlı öğrenmeyi sağlayacak şekilde sıralandığını ve birbiriyle ilişkili kavramların mantıklı bir sıralamada verildiğini ve kavramsal öğrenmeyi desteklediğini düşündükleri görüşünde oldukları görülmüştür. Öğretmenler ders kitabının öğretim yaklaşımı ile ilgili eksikliklerini; derse öğrenci katılımını yeterince sağlamaması ve ara değerlendirmelere yeterince yer vermemesi olduğu yönünde ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin % 89'u okunabilirlik boyutunda kitabı TDK yazım kurallarına, imla ve dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun olduğu yönünde görüş bildirmiştir. Gerek paragraf içinde gerekse paragraflar arasında anlam bütünlüğünün sağlandığını belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin çoğunluğu, ders kitabındaki etkinlikleri; öğrencilerin gelişim düzeylerine, el becerilerine ve bilişsel becerilerine uygun bulmuşlardır. Öğretmenlerin %86'lık kısmının, ders kitabındaki aktiviteler ile ders içeriğini ilişkili buldukları görülmüştür. Ayrıca ders kitabında yer alan etkinlikleri öğretmenler; bilimsel araştırmaya yönelik çalışmalar içermesi ve gereken ön bilgilerin deneyin içerisinde yer alması konularında eksik bulmuşlardır. Araştırmada; elde edilen bulgular ışığında ulaşılan sonuçlar tartışılmış ve sonraki araştırmalar için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
The purpose of this research is to reveal the views of teachers about the third grade science textbook used in the 2015-2016 academic year in the case of Bayburt and to contribute to the preparation of new textbooks. The study group of this research consists of 47 primary school teachers working in 13 different primary schools of the Central District of Bayburt in the 2015-2016 academic year. The study was conducted using descriptive scanning model. The assessment questionnaire, which is used as a data collection tool, consists of five parts. In the first part, there are 3 questions and with these questions it is aimed to obtaining the personal information of the teachers. The remaining four sections consist of a total of 50 questions. Percentage (%) and frequency (f) were used for data analysis. According to the findings of the study, teachers found the science textbook successful in terms of scientific content. However they stated that the content of the textbook should be enriched with cartoons, puzzles, etc. that can attract students' attention. They also stated that homeworks and researchs as well as retrospective questions should be included more frequently in the textbooks. Regarding the teaching approach used in the textbook, it was seen that 64% of the teachers thought that units and subjects were arranged to provide meaningful learning and that the related concepts were given in a logical order and supported conceptual learning. Moreover the teachers stated that the textbook's deficiencies related to the teaching approach were that the textbook did not provide enough student participation and did not include the mid-term evaluations adequately. 89% of the teachers stated that the book was in compliance with TDK spelling rules, spelling and grammar rules. They stated that the integrity of meaning was provided both within the paragraph and between the paragraphs. The majority of teachers stated that the activities in the textbook were appropriate for the students' developmental level, manual skills and cognitive skills. Also it was seen that 86% of the teachers found the activities in the textbook to be related to the course content. In addition, they found that the activities in the textbook were incomplete in terms of containing scientific studies and including necessary preliminary information in the experiments. In the light of the findings obtained in the study, the conclusions reached were discussed and suggestions were made for further researches.
The purpose of this research is to reveal the views of teachers about the third grade science textbook used in the 2015-2016 academic year in the case of Bayburt and to contribute to the preparation of new textbooks. The study group of this research consists of 47 primary school teachers working in 13 different primary schools of the Central District of Bayburt in the 2015-2016 academic year. The study was conducted using descriptive scanning model. The assessment questionnaire, which is used as a data collection tool, consists of five parts. In the first part, there are 3 questions and with these questions it is aimed to obtaining the personal information of the teachers. The remaining four sections consist of a total of 50 questions. Percentage (%) and frequency (f) were used for data analysis. According to the findings of the study, teachers found the science textbook successful in terms of scientific content. However they stated that the content of the textbook should be enriched with cartoons, puzzles, etc. that can attract students' attention. They also stated that homeworks and researchs as well as retrospective questions should be included more frequently in the textbooks. Regarding the teaching approach used in the textbook, it was seen that 64% of the teachers thought that units and subjects were arranged to provide meaningful learning and that the related concepts were given in a logical order and supported conceptual learning. Moreover the teachers stated that the textbook's deficiencies related to the teaching approach were that the textbook did not provide enough student participation and did not include the mid-term evaluations adequately. 89% of the teachers stated that the book was in compliance with TDK spelling rules, spelling and grammar rules. They stated that the integrity of meaning was provided both within the paragraph and between the paragraphs. The majority of teachers stated that the activities in the textbook were appropriate for the students' developmental level, manual skills and cognitive skills. Also it was seen that 86% of the teachers found the activities in the textbook to be related to the course content. In addition, they found that the activities in the textbook were incomplete in terms of containing scientific studies and including necessary preliminary information in the experiments. In the light of the findings obtained in the study, the conclusions reached were discussed and suggestions were made for further researches.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Temel Eğitim Ana Bilim Dalı, Sınıf Eğitimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training