Ebu'l Muîn en-Nesefî'de insan fiilleri (Efâlü'l-ibâd)
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İnsanın farklı sebeplerin teşvik ve tahrikiyle davranışa yansıyan, ortaya çıkmasında bizzat insanın rol aldığı ve özgür iradesinin etken olduğu fiillerine insan fiilleri denir. İnsan fiilleri ve hürriyeti meselesi Kelâm tarihinde "Kader" ile ilgili konularla bağlantılı olduğu için, Kelâm eserlerinde genellikle kader meselesiyle beraber değerlendirilmiştir. İnsan fiilleri problemi temelde iki ana grup fikir etrafında şekillenmiştir. Bunlardan birincisi; insanın fiillerini yaparken fiili yapacak güç ve iradesinin olmadığı buna bağlı olarak fiillerinin sonuçlarından sorumlu tutulamayacağını ifade eden ve bunun fikri altyapısını Kur'ân-ı Kerim, hadisler ve aklı esas alarak sağlamaya çalışan görüştür. Bu görüşün savunucuları ise başta Cebriyye ve bazı Mürciî akımlardır. İkincisi ise; Başta Mu'tezile olmak üzere zikri geçen kaynaklar temel alınarak, insanın fiilinin hâlikı olduğu, fiili kendi irade ve gücüyle yaptığı, Allah'ın bu fiillerin yaratılmasına müdahale etmediğini savunan görüştür. Bu anlayışa göre insanın fiillerinin sonucunda sorumlu olabilmesi için, insanın fiillinin yaratıcısı olması ve o fiili kendi özgür iradesiyle ortaya koyması gerekmektedir. Sorumluluk için fiilin yaratılması ameliyesini insana bağlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu görüş içerisinde insanın sorumluluğunun kendi yapıp ettikleri sonucu olduğunu savunan ve fakat bunu fiilin yaratılmasına değil de; o fiilin, insanın başlangıçta Allah tarafından verilen kudretle, sebeplerin temel yaratıcısı olarak yine Allah'ı kabul etmekle beraber insanın özgür iradesiyle yapılmasına bağlayan uzlaştırmacı bir görüşte vardır. Bu görüşte Selefîlik- Eş'ârilik ve Mâtüridîliğin öncülük ettiği Ehl-i Sünnet ve'l- Cemaat'in görüşüdür. Biz bu çalışmada Ehl-i Sünnetin önde gelen temsilcilerinden biri olan Ebu'l Muîn Nesefî'nin görüşleri bağlamında insan fiilleri konusunu ana kaynaklar doğrultusunda incelemeye ve farklı yönlerini ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Anahtar kelimeler: Yaratma, kudret, özgür irade, kader, sorumluluk
The acts of human beings are the human conducts that reflect on behaviours due to the incentives and incitements caused by different reasons for which humans in itself play role and being a factor by his own free will. As this problem is associated with the topics related to "Fate" in the history of Kalam, it is typically evaluated together with fate problems in Kalam Works. The acts of human beings problem is, in essence, formed around two main opinion groups. One of them is the view asserting that human beings are lacked of power and will to act and correspondingly they can not be held responsible for his acts. Proponents of this wiew use Qur'an, Hadiths and Reason as base. Cehmiyyah and some Murji'ah currents are the exponents for this view. The other view is advocated by primarily Mu'tazilah. By grounding on the mentioned sources It asserts that human beings are the creator of their acts, do acts by his own power and will and the God never interferes in those acts. According to this doctrine, human beings must be creator of their own acts and execute his acts by his own free will to be responsible for his own acts. In this way operation of creating act for responsibility is related with human beings. On the other hand, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-jama'ah, pioneered by Salafiyya, Ash'ariyyah and Maturidyyah, puts forward a concilliatory idea that asserting responsibility of human beings results from the acts of his own actions. In other words they are realized by the free will of human beings albeit they are acted originally by the power of the God. These views are termed by the Kalam historians as Cehmiyyah, Mu'tazilah and Ahl as-Sunnah (Salafiyya-Ash'ariyyah-Maturidiyyah) as in progress of time ideas have become systematic. In this study we, in the context of views of Abu al –Mu'în al-Nasafi, approach the acts of human beings in a way to address modern world of thought and in accordance with the main sources. Key Words: Creation, Power, Free Will, Fate, Responsibility
The acts of human beings are the human conducts that reflect on behaviours due to the incentives and incitements caused by different reasons for which humans in itself play role and being a factor by his own free will. As this problem is associated with the topics related to "Fate" in the history of Kalam, it is typically evaluated together with fate problems in Kalam Works. The acts of human beings problem is, in essence, formed around two main opinion groups. One of them is the view asserting that human beings are lacked of power and will to act and correspondingly they can not be held responsible for his acts. Proponents of this wiew use Qur'an, Hadiths and Reason as base. Cehmiyyah and some Murji'ah currents are the exponents for this view. The other view is advocated by primarily Mu'tazilah. By grounding on the mentioned sources It asserts that human beings are the creator of their acts, do acts by his own power and will and the God never interferes in those acts. According to this doctrine, human beings must be creator of their own acts and execute his acts by his own free will to be responsible for his own acts. In this way operation of creating act for responsibility is related with human beings. On the other hand, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-jama'ah, pioneered by Salafiyya, Ash'ariyyah and Maturidyyah, puts forward a concilliatory idea that asserting responsibility of human beings results from the acts of his own actions. In other words they are realized by the free will of human beings albeit they are acted originally by the power of the God. These views are termed by the Kalam historians as Cehmiyyah, Mu'tazilah and Ahl as-Sunnah (Salafiyya-Ash'ariyyah-Maturidiyyah) as in progress of time ideas have become systematic. In this study we, in the context of views of Abu al –Mu'în al-Nasafi, approach the acts of human beings in a way to address modern world of thought and in accordance with the main sources. Key Words: Creation, Power, Free Will, Fate, Responsibility
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion