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Dil bilgisi, bir dili oluşturan kurallar bütünlüğü çerçevesinde, onun en küçük birimi olan ses ve bununla birlikte şekil ve cümle yapıları açısından inceleyen ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri kurallara dayalı olarak açıklayan bir bilim dalıdır. Bir toplumu oluşturan, onu millet yapan ögelerin başında hiç şüphesiz dil gelmektedir. Dil birliği, bir milleti millet yapan temel öge olması hasebiyle önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle dil eğitimi, her milletin önemle üzerinde durması ve önemsemesi gereken bir konudur. Millet olarak dilimizin gelişiminde birtakım sıkıntılar olduğu yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Dil bilgisi öğretimi, kurallar çerçevesinde dil bilgisinin anlamlı bir şekilde açıklanabilme ve anlatılma sürecidir. Dolayısıyla, bir dilin temel yapısını oluşturan, bir ahenk içerisine koyan gramer yapısının etkili bir şekilde eğitimi ve öğretimi hassasiyetle yaklaşılması gereken bir durumdur. Türkçe dil bilgisi öğretiminde birtakım sıkıntılar bağlamında kavram kargaşası yaşandığı bir gerçektir. YÖK tarafından belirlenen ders içeriklerine ve farklı akademik bakış açılarına göre yetiştirilen öğretmen adaylarının ve öğretmenlerin, MEB müfredatında farklılıklarla karşı karşıya kalmaları, ikilemde unutmalarının istenmesi, uygulanmasının engellenmesi... "Burası üniversite değil ..." vb. söylemlere maruz kalmaları... Bu tür yaklaşımları, dil bilgisi öğretiminde yaşanan kavram kargaşasının ilk yansıması olarak değerlendirmek mümkündür. Dil bilgisine farklı yaklaşımlar elbette olacaktır; fakat farklı yaklaşımlar dilde birliği tehdit pozisyonuna geliyorsa; bu duruma biraz daha itina ile yaklaşılması zaruret hâlini almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkçe dil bilgisi öğretiminde yaşanan kavram kargaşasının dile yansımaları konusu ele alınmış ve bu kavram kargaşasının dilde birlik konusunda ne tür olumsuzluklara yol açtığı sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada, dil bilgisi öğretiminde yaşanan kavram kargaşasının dilde istikrarsızlığı tetiklediği, dolayısıyla bu durumun en az seviyeye düşürülmesi için tüm eğitimcilerin, dilcilerin konuya eğilmeleri, soruna çare aramaları gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Yaptığımız bu çalışma ile Türkçe dil bilgisi öğretimindeki kavram kargaşası eksenli birtakım sorunlarla ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuş ve bu sorunlar için çözümler önerilmiştir
Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Undoubtedly, language is the primary element that makes a society and a nation. The unity of language is crucial because it is the primary element that what makes a nation. Therefore, language education is a subject which every nation must lay emphasis on and pay attention to. It is an undeniable fact that as a nation there are some problems in the development of our language. Teaching grammar is the description and explanation process of grammar meaningfully within the framework of set of rules. Thus, instruction of grammar structures which compose the main structure of a language is a condition which must be approached delicately. It is a fact that while teaching Turkish grammar, contradictions in terms are experienced due to some problems. Because the course contents identified by Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and teachers and preservice teachers raised according to different academic perspectives encountered differences in the curriculum of Ministry of National Education (MEB), being in a dilemma, they are asked to forget a set of knowledge implementation…being exposed to such expressions as “Here is not a university ...” It is possible to evaluate such approaches encountered in teaching grammar as the first reflections of contradictions in terms. Of course, there will be different approaches to grammar, but if different approaches begin to threaten the unity of language, it becomes very important to approach this subject carefully. This study discussed the reflections of contradictions in terms in teaching Turkish grammar on language and the answer to the question what problems such contradictions in terms caused about the unity in language was sought. It was found in the study that contradictions in terms in teaching grammar triggered instability in language; therefore, it was concluded that all educators and linguistics should give some thought to this subject and seek ways to solve the problem. A set of evaluations were made about some contradiction based problems with this study and solutions were suggested for these problems
Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Undoubtedly, language is the primary element that makes a society and a nation. The unity of language is crucial because it is the primary element that what makes a nation. Therefore, language education is a subject which every nation must lay emphasis on and pay attention to. It is an undeniable fact that as a nation there are some problems in the development of our language. Teaching grammar is the description and explanation process of grammar meaningfully within the framework of set of rules. Thus, instruction of grammar structures which compose the main structure of a language is a condition which must be approached delicately. It is a fact that while teaching Turkish grammar, contradictions in terms are experienced due to some problems. Because the course contents identified by Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and teachers and preservice teachers raised according to different academic perspectives encountered differences in the curriculum of Ministry of National Education (MEB), being in a dilemma, they are asked to forget a set of knowledge implementation…being exposed to such expressions as “Here is not a university ...” It is possible to evaluate such approaches encountered in teaching grammar as the first reflections of contradictions in terms. Of course, there will be different approaches to grammar, but if different approaches begin to threaten the unity of language, it becomes very important to approach this subject carefully. This study discussed the reflections of contradictions in terms in teaching Turkish grammar on language and the answer to the question what problems such contradictions in terms caused about the unity in language was sought. It was found in the study that contradictions in terms in teaching grammar triggered instability in language; therefore, it was concluded that all educators and linguistics should give some thought to this subject and seek ways to solve the problem. A set of evaluations were made about some contradiction based problems with this study and solutions were suggested for these problems
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri