Hz. Âişe'nin aile hukuku alanındaki içtihatlarının Hanefî mezhebine yansımaları
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Bayburt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hz. Âişe (r. anha), Hz. Peygamber (s.a.s.)'in yanında yetişmiş, dini konuların pek çok alanında temayüz etmiş ve edindiği bu bilgileri sonraki nesillere aktarmada önemli bir rol üstlenmiş kadın sahabîlerdendir. Sahabe neslinin önemli fakihlerinden birisi olan Hz. Âişe, farklı alanlarda birçok ilmi kendisinde toplayan bir müçtehidedir. Fıkha olan vukûfiyetinden dolayı fakihlerin görüşüne sık sık başvurduğu önemli şahsiyetlerden biri olmuştur. Hz. Âişe kendisine sorulan sorulara verdiği cevaplarla ve ortaya koyduğu fıkhî görüşleri ile yaşadığı zamandaki birçok meseleye ışık tuttuğu gibi sonraki dönemlerde de ortaya çıkan pek çok fıkhî konuda mezhep imamlarının başvurduğu bir kaynak olmuştur. Bu tezde Hz. Âişe'nin aile hukuku alanındaki içtihatları tespit edilerek bu içtihatların Hanefî mezhebindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu etkiyi tespit edebilmek için Mâlikî Şafiî ve Hanbelî mezheplerinin görüşlerine de konuyla alakalı boyutuyla kısaca yer verilmiştir. Tezimiz bir giriş üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümünde Hz. Âişe'nin nikâhla ilgili içtihatları ikinci bölümünde talak ile ilgili içtihatları üçüncü bölümde ise aile hukukuyla alakalı diğer içtihatları ele alınarak Hanefî mezhebi temelinde diğer üç fıkhî mezhebe yansıması incelenmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde Hanefî mezhebi Hz. Âişe'nin konuyla alakalı görüşlerini dikkate aldığı gibi pek çok konuda farklı düşündüğü sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased) is one of the female companions who grew up with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who stood out in many fields of religious issues and took an important role in transferring this knowledge to the next generations. Hazrat Aisha is a mujtahid who was an important scholar in her time, who gathered many scientific knowledge in different fields. She became one of the important figures whom mujtahid imams frequently consulted due to having a grasp of fiqh. Aisha shed light on many issues in her life with his answers to the questions she was asked and with her fiqh views she put forward, became a source for many fiqh issues that emerged in the following periods, which were referred to by the imams of the sects. In this thesis, Mr. Âisha's jurisprudence in the field of family law was determined and the effects of these jurisprudence on the Hanafi sect were examined. In order to determine this effect, the views of the Maliki Shafii and Hanbali sects are also briefly included with their relevant dimension. Our thesis consists of an introduction and three parts. In the first part, Mr. In the second part of Âisha's jurisprudence about marriage, her jurisprudence about talak and in the third chapter her other jurisprudence related to family law are discussed and its reflection on the other three fiqh sects on the basis of Hanafi sect. In the conclusion part, the Hanafi school of Hz. It was concluded that Âişe took into account her views on the subject and thought differently on many issues.
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased) is one of the female companions who grew up with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who stood out in many fields of religious issues and took an important role in transferring this knowledge to the next generations. Hazrat Aisha is a mujtahid who was an important scholar in her time, who gathered many scientific knowledge in different fields. She became one of the important figures whom mujtahid imams frequently consulted due to having a grasp of fiqh. Aisha shed light on many issues in her life with his answers to the questions she was asked and with her fiqh views she put forward, became a source for many fiqh issues that emerged in the following periods, which were referred to by the imams of the sects. In this thesis, Mr. Âisha's jurisprudence in the field of family law was determined and the effects of these jurisprudence on the Hanafi sect were examined. In order to determine this effect, the views of the Maliki Shafii and Hanbali sects are also briefly included with their relevant dimension. Our thesis consists of an introduction and three parts. In the first part, Mr. In the second part of Âisha's jurisprudence about marriage, her jurisprudence about talak and in the third chapter her other jurisprudence related to family law are discussed and its reflection on the other three fiqh sects on the basis of Hanafi sect. In the conclusion part, the Hanafi school of Hz. It was concluded that Âişe took into account her views on the subject and thought differently on many issues.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion