Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Sirkadiyen Ritim Fizyolojisi Ve Fizyolojik Melatonin Ritminin İncelenmesi.
    (Ekin Yayınevi, 2019)
    Sirkadiyen ritim, canlı metabolizmasında çevresel şartlara (mevsimler, gün ışığı, aydınlık, karanlık, ısı gibi) bağlı olarak internal bir pacemaker tarafından üretilen salınım frekansı yaklaşık 24 saat süren olan fizyolojik ve davranışsal siklustur. Retinohipotalamikpineal eksen yoluyla düzenlenen sirkadiyen ritmin düzenleme merkezi anterior hipotalamustaki SCN (suprakiazmatik çekirdek) ve orta beyindeki pineal bez’dir. Sirkadiyen ritimde, vücut ısısı, uyku uyanıklık döngüsü, melatonin, kortizol hormonu önemli göstergeleri olarak gösterilmektedir. Vücutta hormonların büyük çoğunluğu sirkadyen ritimle düzenlenmektedir. Vücutta kan basıncı, immün sistem aktivitesi, kan koagülasyonunu ve gastrik ve renal fonksiyonları etkilemektedir. Melatonin, bilinen en güçlü antioksidan moleküllerden birisidir. Fizyolojik melatonin ritmi, otonom sinir sisteminin düzeni, kan basıncı, kan şekeri regülasyonu, sirkadiyen gen ekspresyonu üzerinde önemli fizyolojik rolü bulunmaktadır. Sirkadiyen ritmin bozulması başta kanser olmak üzere birçok hastalığın ortaya çıkmasına yol açması nedeniyle sirkadiyen ritim fizyolojisi ve düzenlenmesine yönelik çalışmalar önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu kapsamda, sirkadiyen ritim fizyolojisi ve fizyolojik melatonin ritminin konularının incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir.
  • Öğe
    (Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2019) Bayraktar, Bülent
    Son zamanlarda keşfedilmiş olan antidiyabetik, proinflamatuvar, kardiyoprototektif etkiye sahip, Pre-B Koloni Arttıcı Faktör (PBEF) ve proenflamatuvar bir molekül olarak da bilinen visfatin, viseral yağ dokudan sentezlenen önemli bir adipokin hormonudur. Visfatin içerisinde bulunduğu adipositokinler, adipoz doku içerisinde lokal olarak etki gösterebildikleri gibi sistemik dolaşımla farklı organlara da ulaşabilmekte ve bu şekilde yiyecek alımı, vücut ağırlığının düzenlenmesi, insülin duyarlılığı, üreme, immünite, inflamasyon ve vasküler homeostaz üzerinde önemli fizyolojik etkileri bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, lipid metabolizması, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar ile ilişkili olan bir hormon olmasının yanı sıra obezite, insülin direnci ve inflamasyonda önemli fizyolojik fonksiyonları bulunmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, Visfatin seviyesi sepsis, romatoid artrit, inflamatuvar bağırsak hastalığı, akut akciğer hasarı, miyokardiyal infarkt gibi bazı akut ve kronik inflamatuvar hastalıklarda artış göstermekte ve nötrofil apopitozisini inhibe ederek inflamasyonun devamlılığında anahtar rolü bulunmaktadır (Luk ve ark., 2008). Bu fizyolojik etkisini enzimatik ya da nonenzimatik (sitokin benzeri) mekanizmalar aracılığı ile göstermektedir. Ancak, visfatin’in sitokin benzeri etkilerini hangi mekanizmalar aracılığı ile gerçekleştirdiği ise tam olarak bilinmemektedir (Wang ve ark., 2012). Bu nedenle, fizyolojik mekanizmaların aydınlatılması yönündeki ihtiyaç duyulan çalışmalar nedeniyle önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, son literatür verileri ışığında visfatin hormonun yapısı, fizyolojisi, fizyolojik sistemler üzerindeki etkisine yönelik bilgi içermektedir.
  • Öğe
    Saglık Bilimleri Için Fizyoloji
    (Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2020) Bayraktar, Bülent
    Evrendeki canlılar dünyasını incelediğimizde canlılardaki biyoritim, kusursuz bir döngü içerisinde işleyen süreci ve ihtişamıyla bizleri büyülemektedir. Bu süreç içerisinde kalp atışından, vücut sıcaklığı, sindirim, metabolizmanın düzenlenmesi, büyüme, gelişme, davranışlarımızdaki ruhsal değişimlerdeki etkisiyle vücudumuzda kusursuz bir fizyolojik sistemlerden birisi de Endokrin Sistemidir. Topraktaki tohumun bitkiye dönüşüm süreci, bir bebeğin dünyaya gelişinden ölüme kadar yaşam döngüsü ve canlının büyümesinin her evresindeki kusursuz fizyolojik değişimi, diğer yandan buzağısını gören ve sesini duyan bir ineğin oksitosin hormonu sayesinde sütünü bırakmasını sağlayan annelik iç güdüsü, tehlike karşısında vücudunuzun alarm sinyali noradrenalin, acil enerji ihtiyacının karşılanmasında emri veren adrenalin, bir şeyi yapabilmemiz için bize motivasyon sağlayan hormon dopamin, uyku ve uyanıklık durumu, biyolojik saatimizin yönetimini sağlayan melatonin, metabolik süreçlerin başkahramanı tiroid hormonları, vücudumuzu yöneten ve endokrin sistemin en önemli yaşamsal molekülleri de hormonlardır. Endokrin sistem, vücudun hemen hemen her yerinde bulunan hormonları salgılayan endokrin bezleri barındıran, üreme,büyüme, gelişme, metabolizma, enerji regülasyonunda rolü bulunmaktadır. Endokrin sistem, sinir sistemiyle koordineli olarak çalışmaktadır. Endokrin sistemin temelini oluşturan majör endokrin bezler; insanlarda sırasıyla hipotalamus, hipofiz, epifiz, tiroid bezi, böbreküstü bezi, pankreas, ovaryum ve testislerdir (Şekil 1). Bunun yanı sıra, böbreklerden eritropoetin, kalpten atrial natriüretik peptid ve gastrointestinal sistemden gastrin gibi çok sayıda peptid hormon salgılanmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the Effects of Some Herbal Extracts Used inDifferent Ratios on Meat Fatty Acid Profile Level in Experimental Heat Stress Created in Broilers)
    (Intechopen, 2019) Tekce,Emre; Bayraktar, Bülent, Aksakal,Vecihi
    Stress is the biological or external alteration of the organism against the factors that make it possible to achieve hemostasis or normal physiological balance. In our world, temperature increase due to climate change has become one of the most important stress factors in poultry sector. This research investigated the effects of essential oil mixture (EOM; Eucalyptus globulus Labill, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygium aromaticum) broilers adding to the drinking water under heat stress conditions. The fatty acid profile was evaluated. In a 42-day study, 400 Ross- 308 male chickens (1-day-old) were randomly assigned to eight different groups (n = 50), each containing five subgroups (n = 10). As a result of the research, in stress-free groups 22°C rations of myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2n-6t), and Cis 11 eicosapentaenoic acid (C 20: 1n9) increased, whereas MUFA, UFA, and behenic acid (C22:0) reduced. However, in stressed groups, 36°C rations of myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), and arachidonic acid (C20:0) decreased, increased the UFA ratio, and had no effect on the MUFA and PUFA.
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    (IKSAD INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE,, 2019) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre;Aksakal, Vecihi
  • Öğe
    Serum ?-Carotene Levels of the Local Black Cattle in Lactation Period, Dry Period and Different Ages, Seasons-2019
    (Journal of Veterinary Science Medical Diagnosis,, 2019) BAYRAKTAR BÜLENT,YIGIT AYSE ARZU,EKICI HÜSAMETTIN
    β-carotene in carotenoIds group is the primary Ingredient of vitamin A and is widely found in green leafy plants. Cattle provide β-Carotene by eating grass and feeds since they cannot synthesize. β-carotene deficiency causes many metabolic disorders in animals. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of season, age, lactation and dry period on β-Carotene level at Local Black Cattle whIch are only breed In AnatolIa. This study was carrIed out in native cattle race (Local Black) that breds in our country, 80 of which belong to the protection flocks that are grown in the northern parts of Central Anatolia. The groups were arranged as group 1, 1-3 months calves (n=20); group 2, 12-24 months heIfers (n=20); group 3, 3-7 years old cattle In the fIrst 10 weeks perIod of lactation (n=20), group 4, 3-7 years old cattle In the last 2 month of pregnancy (dry perIod) (n=20). β-Carotene levels were measured from the serum samples which was obtaIned from the same anImals blood that was taken from the summer and wInter. In summer, β-carotene levels of the lactatIng cattle, heIfer and cattle In dry perIod were hIgher than wInter. Also, serum β-carotene was the hIghest In lactatIng group both summer and wInter. As a result, our results showed that season, age, lactation and pregnancy were effective on serum β-carotene levels. Also, reference values of the Local Black were obtained.
  • Öğe
    Effect of the addition of essential fatty acid mixture to the drinking water of the heat stress broilers on adipokine (Apelin, BDNF) response, histopathologic findings in liver and intestines, and some blood parameters.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of adding an essential fatty acid mixture (EOM; Eucalyptus globulus Labill, thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygium aromaticum) to the drinking water in the heat stress broilers on the adipokine (Apelin, BDNF) response, the histopathologic changes in liver and intestines, and some biochemical parameters. This study lasted for a total of 42 days, including the physical exercise period (7 days) and the fattening period (35 days). A total of 400 Ross 308 male broilers (1-d-old) were randomly divided into 8 groups (50 animals per group), each of which was exposed to various conditions of temperature (C: 22 C and SC: 36 C) and treatment dose (C, 250, 500 and 750 mL/1000 L). Each group was divided into 5 subgroups, each comprising 10 animals. In the stress-free groups, whereas the Apelin level linearly decreased, the BDNF level linearly increased. In histopathology, the liver tissue was found to be normal in all groups whereas the duodenum villi length was found to increase in the group of 750 mL/1000 L. No statistically significant difference was found between the stressed groups and the non-stressed groups in terms of VLDL, Glucose, Total bilirubin, ALT, and TG (p > .05). While Apelin level increased in the stressed groups, the BDNF level increased in the group of 250 mL/1000 L. In the histopathological examination, a small amount of coagulation necrosis was detected in hepatocyte, a diffuse hydropic degeneration was observed in hepatocytes, and finally a dilatation and hyperaemia were seen in sinusoid in the groups of EOM500 mL/1000 L and EOM-750 m/1000 L compared to the control group. Whereas there was no difference between the group of EOM-250 mL/1000 L and the control group in terms of duodenum villa length, there was a significant decrease in other groups (p < .00). In conclusion, this study showed that adding 250 mL/1000 L of EOM to the drinking water had a positive effect on the serum levels of Apelin and p-BDNF in the groups exposed to stress (p <.05).
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the Effects of Some Herbal Extremely Serum Uric Acid Level Added in Drinking Waters in Brolier under Heat Stress
    (Journal of Veterinary Science Medical Diagnosis,, 2019) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre
    Objective: Uric acid is the last product of purine metabolism and a protective antioxidant against the oxidative stress. The clinical picture is an important diagnostic parameter, serum uric acid; gut disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, stroke, kidney and cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, with changes in protein and amino acid metabolism of living beings exposed to heat stress, protein degradation increases rapidly and serum uric acid levels increase. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of Eucalytus glabutus labii (eucalyptus), Tymus vulgaris (thyme), Cymbopogon nardus (lemon grass) and Syzgium aromaticum (clove) plants, which were added at different doses to the drinking water of broilers under temperature stress, (EOM) on the serum uric acid level. Materials and methods: In this study, Ross-308 male broiler chicks were used as animal material for 400 days. In each group, there will be 50 animals, and 8 different groups will be grouped as 10 in each segment. The study lasted for 42 days by dividing into 5 subgroups to be applied to 22°C stressed and 36°C stressed groups (control, EOM (essential oil mixture) -250, EOM-500, EOM-750. At the end of the trial, 10 animals randomly selected from each group after the application of 80 animals cervical dislocation methods, the level of uric acid in blood serum samples was examined. Findings: The serum uric acid levels in the experimental groups were 8.04, 11.84, 7.92, 7.96 mg/dl at 22°C and 7.42, 4.66, 12.30, 8.76 mg/dl respectively in the broiler group at 36°C stress. Results: In the study, EOM-250 ml/1000 doses of EOM-500 ml/1000 lt doses of EOM-500 ml/1000 lt doses were increased in stressed groups at 36°C while the addition of EOM was not statistically different at different doses to drinking water at 22°C stress (p<0.05).
  • Öğe
    Leptin Hormonun Bazı Fizyolojik Sistemler Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi
    (Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019) Uzun, Tahsin; Bayraktar, Bülent
    Leptin, organizmadaki yağ depoları ve iştahı düzenleyerek tokluk duygusu oluşturarak beslenmeyi düzenleyen önemli bir adipokin hormonudur. Nöroendokrin fonksiyonlar, reproduksiyon, hemopoiezis ve angiogenez, üreme, enerji regülasyonu, metabolik süreçlerde önemli rolü bulunmaktadır. Plazmadaki leptin seviyesi, vücuttaki yağ miktarı ve enerji dengesini etkileyen önemli faktörlerden birisidir. Leptin, organizmada adipoz dokunun yanı sıra hipotalamus, hipofiz, iskelet kası gibi birçok organ ve dokudan sentezlenmektedir. Adipositlerden salınan Leptin, merkezi sinir sistemini etkileyerek immün, endokrin ve üreme sistemi, enerji regülasyonu başta olmak üzere birçok metabolik süreci düzenleyen bir antiobezite faktörüdür. Leptin hormonun fizyolojik süreçlerdeki mekanizmalarının aydınlatılması nedeniyle önemli bir araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu derleme literatür bilgileri ışığında leptin hormonunun fizyalojisi ve bazı fizyolojik sistemler üzerine etkisi irdelenecektir.
  • Öğe
    Bayburt’ta Organik Tarım ve Hayvancılıgın Mevcut Durumu
    (Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2020) BAYRAKTAR, BÜLENT
    Günümüzde, doğal koşullarda kimyasal katkı maddeleri kullanılmadan üretilen organik ürünlere yönelik her geçen gün sürekli olarak artış göstermektedir. Bununla beraber, yeni organik gıda pazarların oluşumu ve organik üretim potansiyeli yüksek olan bölgelerin değerlendirme ve geliştirme konusu önem arz etmektedir. Bu kapsamda, Bayburt ili, organik üretim için çok uygun ekolojik şartları barındırmaktadır. Yüzölçümünün önemli bir kısmını tarım arazileri ile çayır ve meralar oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca, sanayi tesislerinin yok denecek kadar az ve kimyasal ilaç kullanımının düşük olduğu illerden birisidir. Potansiyeli yüksek olan bölgelerin değerlendirme ve geliştirmesinde kurumların önemli bir rolü bulunmaktadır. Ancak, kurumların belirleyeceği stratejik hedefleri, kaynakları ve yetkinliklerine göre değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu derlemede, Bayburt ilinde uygulanan ortak projelerin, eğitim faaliyetlerinin ve tarımsal desteklerin, organik üretim gelişimine hız kazandırıcı bir etkisi olduğu gözlenmektedir. Bu yüzden üretimi yapılmayan ancak yüksek potansiyele sahip ürünlerin gelişiminin desteklenmesi mevcut organik tarım ve hayvancılığın gelişme sürecine büyük katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Response of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) to dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera essential oil under heat stress c o n d i t i o n
    The present study was aimed at investigating the effects of the dietary use of different doses of Moringa oleifera essential oil (MOEO) on performance parameters, internal organ weights and meat quality in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to Heat Stress (HS). For this purpose, 320 male day-old quail chicks were used. Seven days of preliminary (physical exercise) and a 35-day fattening period were applied. The animals were divided into 8 groups, each including 40 animals according to temparature (C: 25 °C and SC: 37 °C) and dietary doses (C, 200, 400 and 600). Each group was divided into 4 subgroups, each comprising 10 animals. The consequences of this study showed that, in the stress-free (HSF) groups, while all of the different doses of dietary MOEO positively affected growth performance, feed intake and feed efficiency, in the HS groups, similar positive effects were observed with the use of 200 ppm of dietary MOEO. While no effect was detected on internal organ weights on Days 21 and 42 in the HSF and HS groups, a dose-dependent increase was determined in the intestinal pH value on day 42 in the HS group (p < .05). Additionally, in the analysis of meat quality on the 21st and 42 days compared to the controls, no effect was observed on the meat colour parameters value and TBARS level in the HS and HSF groups. Based on the consequences of this study, it is considered that, MOEO could be used as an alternative product in poultry, at a dose of 200 ppm, to reduce the detrimental effects of HS.
  • Öğe
    Influence of Lactobacillus reuteri on internal organ weight, performance and meat quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) under heat stress
    In the present study, the effects of Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE) supplemented at different doses (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg) into the diets on performance, meat quality and internal organ weights of Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica) were investigated under heat stress (HS) conditions ( 37°C). For the experiments, 448 one-day old quails were used. Seven days of training (physical exercise) and a 35-day fattening period were applied. On day 7 of the trial, 8 groups [4 under control temperature of 25°C (CT): control (C), LRE-200, LRE-400 and LRE-600 and 4 under HS: control (HSC), SLRE-200, SLRE-400 and SLRE-600] were formed, each group consisting of four replicates with 14 quail each. At the end of this study, the CT group fed 400 mg/kg LRE showed the best performance results, whereas no effect was found for groups under HS in comparison to the control group (HSC). Samples taken on the 21 st and 42 nd day revealed that addition of probiotics in the CT and HS groups induced no effect on weight of the internal organs (p > 0.05). Analysis of meat quality on the 21 st day showed that LRE caused an increase in pH in both the HS and CT groups. Further, 400-mg/kg LRE supplementation induced an increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the group under HS. In the CT groups on day 42 no effect of LRE was found on colour parameters or on the TBARS value, except for a decrease in the pH value in the LRE supplemented groups compared with the control. In HS groups a decrease in the L* value and an increase in the TBARS value was found compared to CT groups (p < 0.05), but there was no effect on other colour parameters or pH value. In conclusion, in the present study supplementation of different doses of LRE E81 to quail diets had no effect on performance, internal organ weight or meat quality under HS.
  • Öğe
    Effects of Lactobacillus Reuteri E81 Added into Rations of Chukar Partridges (Alectoris Chukar) Fed Under Heat Stress Conditions on Fattening Performance and Meat Quality
    This study investigated the effects of the addition of Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE) into rations of chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) fed under heat stress (HS) conditions on fattening performance and meat quality. This study included 256 chukar partridges aged 1 day. The study comprised an adaptation period of 7 days and a fattening period of 35 days and included 8 different groups with 32 animals in each group. Each group was further divided into four subgroups with eight animals in each subgroup. At the end of the study, the best results in terms of fattening performance in the non-HS groups were obtained in the LRE 600 ppm group and in the HS groups, SLRE 200 ppm had the best effect on average live weight and average live weight increase, whereas SLRE 400 ppm had the best effect on FCR (p<0.05). The analysis of the samples collected from chukar partridges on day 21 showed that, there was no effect on the colour parameters and Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level in the LRE in the HS and non- HS groups, whereas the meat pH level decreased in the SLRE 400 ppm group (p<0.05). The analysis of the samples collected on day 42 showed that there was no effect on colour parameters in the HS and non-HS groups. TBARS level decreased at the dose of LRE 200 ppm in the non-HS group, and the meat pH level decreased in both HS and non-HS groups (p<0.05).
  • Öğe
    The impact of dietary tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) on serum apelin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cardiac troponin concentrations and histopathology of liver tissue in laying hens housed at different stocking densities
    (VETERINARNI MEDICINA, 2020) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre;Kaya, Hacer, Kara;Turunç Eylül
    Due to its association with several other stress factors (poultry house gases, inadequate ventilation, heat, cold and poor hygiene), the high stocking density is a major stress factor that adversely affects the health and performance of poultry and the quality of the poultry products. Therefore, this experimental study was aimed at analysing the impact of different doses of dietary tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) on the serum apelin, plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (p-BDNF), and cardiac troponin I (cTnI) concentrations, and the correlation between these indicators in laying hens housed at different stocking densities. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of adding tarragon in different ratios to laying hen rations in the 2nd ovulation period on the cTnI, apelin, and BDNF hormone concentrations and the liver histopathology. The experiment was carried out over a period of eight weeks, with 192 Lohman Brown commercial hybrids at 50 weeks of age. Eight groups (four replicates each), composed of laying hens of equal body weight, which were housed at stocking densities of 580 cm2/hen and 810 cm2/hen and received 0, 1, 5 and 10 mmol/kg of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) in the feed, were established. At the end of the trial, 96 of the housed egg-laying hens (3 birds in each subgroup, a total of 12 birds in each group) were randomly selected and blood samples were taken from the vena subcutanea ulnaris. The samples collected were analysed for the apelin, p-BDNF, and cTnI contents. The analysis results demonstrated that tarragon supplementation had no effect on the serum apelin, p-BDNF and cTnI concentrations (P > 0.05). The Sub-Groups ST1, ST1.2, and ST6 presented with severe hyperaemia of the sinusoidal, portal and acinar blood vessels, whilst the hyperaemia of these blood vessels was moderate in Sub-Group ST12. Apelin, BDNF, and cTnI can act as protective factors against negative consequences of stress (e.g., stocking density or heat stress).
  • Öğe
    Effects of an Essential Oil Mixture Added to Drinking Water for Temperature-Stressed Broilers:Performance, Meat Quality, and Thiobarbituric Acid-Reactive Substances.
    This study investigated the effects of an essential oil mixture (EOM; Eucalyptus globulus labill, Tymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzgium aromaticum) added to drinking water on temperature-stressed broilers. The performance parameters (body weight, average daily weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio), meat quality, and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) were evaluated. In a 42-d study, 400 Ross-308 male chickens (1-d-old) were randomly assigned to 8 different groups (n = 50), each containing 4 subgroups (n = 8) (22◦C Control (C), C + 250 mL/1,000 L, C + 500 mL/1,000 L, C + 750 mL/1,000 L), 36◦C (stress control (SC), SC + 250 mL/1,000 L, SC + 500 mL/1,000 L, SC + 750 mL/1,000 L). Adding 750 mL/1,000 L at 22◦C and 250 mL/1,000 L at 36◦C was more beneficial to the fattening performance parameters than those in the control group. EOM reduced liver weight but increased abdominal fat in the SEOM-250 groups but did not affect other organ weights. EOM had no effect on the TBARS or the b∗ color parameter while it augmented the a∗ and L∗ coordinates of meat color.
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    Effects of Race, Gender, Body Condition Score and Pregnancy on Serum Apelin Levels in Ewe
    (Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020) Bayraktar,Bülent,Tekce, Emre,Takma, Aksakal, Vecihi; Takma, Çiğdem; Bayraktar, Fatma Gülten; Şengül, Bülentfuk, Kurtdede, Efe
    Apelin is an important adipokine hormone that is released from adipose tissue, which is considered as the energy store of the body, which plays a role in many physiological processes in the body, as well as cardiovascular, immune functions and energy, nutrients and fluid metabolism. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of lactation, pregnancy and gender on apelin hormone levels in blood serums belonging to different races of ewe. In the present study, the hormone levels of the pregnant, non-pregnant ewe and rams of the Akkaraman Kangal and Morkaraman races were thin, with different body condition scores (<2, 3 to 3.5 and ≥4). Apelin hormone level was determined by ELISA technique in blood serum samples of ewe's Jugular vein. It was determined that there was a difference in body scores between races and the interaction between race and body score was important (P<0.05). Apelin level in ewe in lactation and pregnant ewe did not change according to body condition scores (P>0.05). In terms of apelin, gender and body condition score, race and gender, and body condition score interactions were found to be significant.
  • Öğe
    Investigating the adipokine and cardiac troponin response in experimental thyroid dysfunction
    (VETERINARSKI ARHIV, 2020) Bayraktar,Bülent,Tekce, Emre,Takma, Çiğdem, Bayraktar, Sevil,Kılınç Aşkın, Ayten, Ülker, Ufuk, Kurtdede, Efe
    This study was conducted to investigate adipokine [Apelin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)] and cardiac troponin (cTnI) response that emerged after adding an essential oil mixture (EOM) (Eucalytus glabutus labii, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygium aromaticum) at different rates to the drinking water of broilers in which thyroid dysfunction (hypo- and hyperthyroidism) had been experimentally induced. In the present study, 150 1-day-old Ross-308 male broiler chicks were used. They were divided into five groups, each with 30 animals. The groups were designed to include five subgroups: control (C), hypothyroid, hypothyroid + 250 ppm EOM, hyperthyroid, and hyperthyroid + 250 ppm EOM, with six animals in each group. At the end of the experiment, Apelin, p-BDNF, cTnI, T3, T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were investigated in blood serum samples obtained by cervical dislocation from four randomly selected animals from each subgroup, making 100 animals in total. It was found that EOM administration resulted in a dose-dependent increase in p-BDNF and apelin levels, and a decrease in T4 levels in the experimentally induced hypo- and hyper-thyroidism groups, but did not affect T3 and cTnI levels. Conversely, an increase in TSH level was observed in the hypothyroidism groups, whereas a decrease was observed in groups with hyperthyroidism. This study is the first to examine adipokine (Apelin and BDNF) and cTnI response to EOM administration in thyroid dysfunction.
  • Öğe
    Effects of Varying Essential Oil Mixture Concentrations Applied Underconditions of Different Temperature Stress on Cardiac Markers and Other Blood Parameters.
    (Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2019) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre
    Cardiac troponin (cTnI) and erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) have been used as specific markers for the evaluation of cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial diseases. In this experimental study, we aimed to determine the dose-dependent administration of an Essential OilMixture (EOM) (Eucalyptus globulusLabill, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygiumaromaticum) on the serum erythrocyte indices and myocardial damage. We used 400 male, oneday- old, Ross-308 chicks. Each group ((n=8) (22°C Control (C), C+250 mL/1,000 L, C+500 mL/1,000 L, C+750 mL/1,000 L), 36°C (stress control (SC), SC+250 mL/1,000 L, SC+500 mL/1,000 L, SC+750 mL/1,000 L) was further divided into eight groups with 50 animals. Each group of 50 chicks was further subdivided into five groups with 10 animals in each compartment. The results showed that the WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, RDWSD, RDW-CV, and Lymphocyte decreased in groups without exposure to temperature stress (22ºC) compared to the 22ºC control group; whereas, CnTnI, MCHC, NEUT, and IG (p<0.05) increased compared to the control group. In groups exposed to temperature stress (36ºC), the WBC, HGB, HCT, RDW-SD, and Lymphocyte decreased compared to the control group, but MCH, MCHC, NEUT, and IG increased compared to the control. However, cTnI, CK, creatinine, RBC, and RDW had no effect on CD, MONO, EO, and BASO (p<0.05). EOM mixture had no effect on hematological and biochemical parameters.
  • Öğe
    Effect of probiotic supplementation on adipokine profile (visfatin, adiponectin and chemerin), intestinal (citrulline) and thyroid functions in Japanese quails subjected to heat stress
    (European Poultry Science, 2020) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre
    Abstract In this study, we aimed to determine the effect of probiotic supplementation of Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE; 200, 400, 600 mg/kg) to the diets of Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica) reared under heat stress (HS) on serum adipokine (visfatin, adiponectin and chemerin), intestinal (citrulline) and thyroid hormone levels. On day 7 of the trial, the animals were assigned to 8 groups [Control temperature (CT): control (C, without LRE supplementation), LRE-200, LRE-400 and LRE-600 and HS: control (HSC), SLRE-200, SLRE-400 and SLRE-600], each composed of 56 animals of equal body weight. Each group was divided into 4 subgroups withg 14 animals per compartment. During the experiments, the temperature applied to the CT-groups C, LRE-200, LRE-400 and LRE-600 was 25°C and to the HS-groups HSC, SLRE-200, SLRE-400 and SLRE-600 was 37°C. At the end of the study (days 21 and 42), a dose-dependent decrease in citrulline, chemerin, adiponectin, and thyroid hormones and a dose-dependent increase in the visfatin hormone level (p < 0.01) due to LRE supplementation were observed in the HS and CT groups compared to its control. In conclusion, the present study showed that dietary supplementation with 600 mg/kg of LRE affected serum chemerin, adiponectin, T3, T4, TSH and visfatin levels in Japanese quail raised under heat stress (p < 0.001). Key words Japanese Quail; probiotic; heat stress; adiponectin; chemerin; visfatin; citrulline; T3; T4; TSH Zusammenfassung In dieser Studie wurde der Effekt einer probiotischen Futterergänzung durch Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE, 200, 400, 600 mg/kg) auf die Serumwerte von Adipokinen (Visfatin, Adiponectin und Chemerin), Darm- (Citrullin) und Schilddrüsenhormone bei japanischen Wachteln ( Coturnix coturnix japonica) unter Hitzestress (HS) untersucht. Am 7. Lebenstag wurden die Versuchstiere auf 8 Gruppen verteilt [Kontrolltemperatur (CT): Kontrolle (C), LRE-200, LRE-400 und LRE-600 und HS: Kontrolle (HSC), SLRE-200, SLRE-400 und SLRE-600], mit jeweils 56 Tieren mit gleichem Körpergewicht. Jede Gruppe wurde in 4 Untergruppen unterteilt, mit jeweils 14 Tieren pro Gruppe. Während der Experimente betrug die Temperatur in den CT-Gruppen C, LRE-200, LRE-400 und LRE-600 25°C und in den HS-Gruppen HSC, SLRE-200, SLRE-400 und SLRE-600 37°C. Am Ende der Studie (Tag 21 und 42) wurden infolge der LRE-Futterergänzung in den HS- und CT-Gruppen im Vergleich zur jeweiligen Kontrollgruppe eine dosisabhängige Abnahme der Citrullin-, Chemerin-, Adiponectin- und Schilddrüsenhormonspiegel und ein dosisabhängiger Anstieg des Visfatin-Hormonspiegels (p < 0,01) festgestellt. Als Schlussfolgerung ergibt sich aus der vorliegenden Studie, dass eine Nahrungsergänzung mit 600 mg/kg LRE bei Hitzestress die Chemerin-, Adiponectin-, T3-, T4-, TSH- und Visfatin-Spiegel im Serum von Japanischen Wachteln wirksam beeinflussen kann (p < 0,001). Stichworte Japanische Wachtel; Probiotikum; Hitzestress; Adiponectin; Chemerin; Visfatin; Citrullin; T3; T4; TSH
  • Öğe
    Effect of probiotic supplementation on adipokine profile (visfatin, adiponectin and chemerin), intestinal (citrulline) and thyroid functions in Japanese quails subjected to heat stress
    (European Poultry Science, 2020) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre
    In this study, we aimed to determine the effect of probiotic supplementation of Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE; 200, 400, 600 mg/kg) to the diets of Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica) reared under heat stress (HS) on serum adipokine (visfatin, adiponectin and chemerin), intestinal (citrulline) and thyroid hormone levels. On day 7 of the trial, the animals were assigned to 8 groups [Control temperature (CT): control (C, without LRE supplementation), LRE-200, LRE-400 and LRE-600 and HS: control (HSC), SLRE-200, SLRE-400 and SLRE-600], each composed of 56 animals of equal body weight. Each group was divided into 4 subgroups withg 14 animals per compartment. During the experiments, the temperature applied to the CT-groups C, LRE-200, LRE-400 and LRE-600 was 25°C and to the HS-groups HSC, SLRE-200, SLRE-400 and SLRE-600 was 37°C. At the end of the study (days 21 and 42), a dose-dependent decrease in citrulline, chemerin, adiponectin, and thyroid hormones and a dose-dependent increase in the visfatin hormone level (p < 0.01) due to LRE supplementation were observed in the HS and CT groups compared to its control. In conclusion, the present study showed that dietary supplementation with 600 mg/kg of LRE affected serum chemerin, adiponectin, T3, T4, TSH and visfatin levels in Japanese quail raised under heat stress (p < 0.001).