The role of cobalt doping on the optical and structural properties of Mn 3 O 4 nanostructured thin films obtained by SILAR technique

Küçük Resim



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Academic Press

Erişim Hakkı



Cobalt doped manganese oxide thin films (Mn 3 O 4 :Co) were successfully deposited on soda lime glass substrates using SILAR technique. Mn 3 O 4 :Co thin films were characterized using XRD, SEM, Uv–VIS and Raman spectroscopy. The XRD spectra showed that thin films had substantially Hausmannite crystal structure. The preferential orientation of the pure and 0.5 at.% Co doped manganese oxide thin films (Mn 3 O 4 ) was (002), but with increasing Co doping, it was detected that this preferential orientation shift towards the (211) plane. The absorbance, transmittance and optical band gap of the Mn 3 O 4 :Co thin films were determined using Uv–Vis spectroscopy and these properties of the thin films differed considerably due to cobalt doping. The optical band gap of pure Mn 3 O 4 thin films was 2.00 eV, but on the other hand, due to the Co doping this value increased before and then decreased slightly. Optical transmittance of Mn 3 O 4 :Co films increased from 60% to 72% with the effect of Co doping. A1g mode, which is the characteristic vibration peak of Mn 3 O 4 films, was confirmed for pure and doped Mn 3 O 4 thin films at a wavelength of 658 nm. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd


Anahtar Kelimeler

Doping effect, Hausmannite, RAMAN, Semiconductors, SILAR, Cobalt compounds, Crystal structure, Energy gap, Lime, Manganese oxide, Optical band gaps, Oxide films, Oxides, Semiconductor doping, Semiconductor materials, Substrates, X ray diffraction, Doping effects, Hausmannites, Nanostructured thin film, Oxide thin films, Preferential orientation, RAMAN, SILAR, Soda lime glass substrate, Thin films, Doping effect, Hausmannite, RAMAN, Semiconductors, SILAR, Cobalt compounds, Crystal structure, Energy gap, Lime, Manganese oxide, Optical band gaps, Oxide films, Oxides, Semiconductor doping, Semiconductor materials, Substrates, X ray diffraction, Doping effects, Hausmannites, Nanostructured thin film, Oxide thin films, Preferential orientation, RAMAN, SILAR, Soda lime glass substrate, Thin films


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